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Breakthroughs In Attitude and Perceiving!

copyright 2008 by Greg Nichols  

From MFN Network

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Jim Rohn, the great motivator and sales trainer says, "don't work on sales or production, work on you and your sales and production will take care of itself."

This was written at one time for real estate agents, but revamped for networkers and marketers.  The logic flows, but we inserted the networking applications later and tried to bold or color those inserts!  We left in the real estate agent comments.

I am beginning a series on "Perception" today,  and I think you will find it interesting.  Perception is a very important principle that you need to fully understand to break through barriers.  You will never find a trainer that will address this topic, so get ready for original material. 
I'd like to mention that I am not speaking of "perceiving" as some teach, in a mystical, new age, esoteric or occultic manner.  I believe in common sense, I believe in being positive, and I do believe in God, and the Bible.  My discussion of perception is based on biblical truth, and truth of us as created beings, in the image of God.  I come from a strong Christian background, and have been a firm strong believer in Jesus Christ all my life.  I am a person who believes that faith is very important in my daily life, and faith can only be based on truths revealed in the Word of God. Not many trainers will reveal that either, but I believe conviction must be above political correctness!
Why did I tell you all of that?  I just wanted you to feel safe in reading about perception and I did not want any to think they could not embrace it or use the principle, as I relay it, for it is as old as the Earth, and wholesome in nature.  Creation has certain absolutes in it that form a foundation of proper thinking.  Randomists, or non biblical thinkers, must try to make sense of chaos.  Believers get to enjoy some absolutes of truth and principles.
All of us use this principle, either in a negative way or in a positive way.  I am hoping that you grasp it and use it in a positive way, and catapult your sales career.   I have given you loads of powerful sales tactics, but have you ever noticed that your own mind and attitude is your worst enemy and barrier to success? 
We seem to slip in and out of success thinking, and the smallest mishap or crisis destroys our momentum.  Training your perception will raise you above this emotional cycle and help you to stay more steady.  But you cannot train your perception unless you know what it is and you can see it clearly.  I hope to help you "perceive" your perception.  That is not redundant, for real breakthrough in perception takes perception, and it is when you are oblivious to perception that the negative side of it masters you. 
We must master our perception.  How do we see things?   How does one agent sit at their desk and wring their hands and say, I have no business, and across the aisle, another agent has got 10 escrows, 10 listings, and 7 buyers?

The first agent believes the market has got him or her down.  The second agent is using the tough market like a lever and scooping up all the business the first agent should have.

If you are a networker, how does one networker get 150 referrals, and the next struggle to get one person? Knowledge is not the only factor. There are many knowledge sponges who market, but they cannot refer.

"Your market is no hotter than your perception of it." 

"Your referring is no hotter than your perception of referring."
In 1981, the first mortgage rates were 16 -18%.  No one could qualify.  So we did creative deals, and assumptions, and owner carries, and those agents who had correct perception stayed in the industry.  Those who just watched the news and got negative got out of the industry.   One guy said, "if the world is going to hell in a hand basket, I begin to make hand baskets."  A rude but eye opening remark!!!
There will always be real estate deals going on, no matter what the circumstances in the news, like with Israel, or September 11th, or recessions, or whatever.  I am saying this to cause a TKO (technical knockout) of the "news issue beast" that attacks each sales person's career.  

There will always be a supply of people to buy things online from networkers!
"As long as the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest will not cease." 
This Bible verse was a promise by God after the flood.  Seedtime and harvest stopped for awhile there, but He indicated it would never happen again.  I believe that.  Correct perception of the future is rooted in things revealed like that. You may bank on Wall Street, Microsoft, the Government, the American dollar, and your office opening tomorrow morning.  If you can bank on all that, then why not produce a million in commissions with the confidence and the correct perception of the marketplace?  Perception Part 1 here is about the outer influences. You must be their master, and perceive them correctly.
"Your market is no hotter than your perception of it."
Perception is how we view or see things.  The glass is half empty or half full.  But perception is more than just a positive view of things.  Perception can be trained to really see far out there.  Visionaries that changed the world had far reaching perception.  Inventors, like Edison, and explorers, like Columbus really re-shaped the world.  The inventor of the Internet re-shaped the world. But you can perceive like them and re-shape your world.  Look further into your goals, and see bigger exploits in your career.   Sharpen up your understanding and knowledge of "perception."  Then you'll be ready.  
Leads is the name of the game in real estate or any sales, and over at my product website, there is no shortage of ideas on how to get leads.  If you use those ideas, you will hit on all cylinders like a fine tuned engine, but if your perception is off, don't try the ideas.  Maybe this teaching is the attitude tweaking, the mind altering catalyst, and the paradigm-shifting key for you.  I intend that a full understanding of perception will fine tune your inner engine!

Leads are everything in networking!  Leads are the name of the game.
In PERCEPTION Part 2,  perception will be discussed further.  This just gets better, as we delve deeper into perception. 


Perception Part 2


This discussion of "Perception" is explosive.  If you read no further than this section,  and you can catch what is said here, you will have your money's worth.  I can't stress enough that you read and re-read this part.  Your attitude is rooted in your perception. 


Attitude Is Everything!



When we grew up, our parents said "have a good attitude."  That is OK, but tell me how.  Your sales manager may say the same thing; "have a good attitude."   Great!  But how?  I like to get to the root of things.  What makes a good attitude flow naturally so that I don't spend half of my time picking up my attitude and dusting it off and putting it on track.  Every sales person knows that mental attitude is the key to breakthrough and continued success. Attitude is the key to high production, huge income, and personal achievement.   If we can help you adjust and help you understand attitude right at the start here, and help you recognize that it is not an attitude problem, but a perception problem, then this tool of perception is yours  to use.  When this was shared with me in the late 1980's,  it was as if someone was holding out a hand and helping off of a plateau and into a higher realm of possibilities. Ever since, I have perceived a greatness within, surrounding this understanding, and I have prepared for it and developed it. We use so little of our mind. And yet, the mind can be trained for great accomplishments and wonderful progress.  With this principle of Perception, and understanding on how to make it function for you instead of against you - you will,  I said you will....,  you will go to the next level.


What Is Perception?


Perception is the act of perceiving.  To perceive is to become aware through the senses, to see or hear, to observe, detect, or take notice of;  to become aware of in one's mind.  The word perception also means discernment, sensitivity, insight and intuition.  We perceive with our senses and we perceive with our mind.  This discussion is about the perception of the mind.  I'm not concerned with whether you need bifocals or not, I am more interested in what you see in your mind, because every person perceives things differently in their mind.  I am not talking about ESP or Clairvoyant powers, or anything like that.  Personally, I have no time for such inexact, futile and unGodly practices, and if you want to get real messed up real fast, just call the psychic hotline about an upcoming decision in your life, whether it be personal or business, and allow another person to guide you.  I do believe in one other form of perception, besides the senses and the mind, and that is the Inspiration of God. This kind is spiritual, and biblical, but this is not what I am discussing here. Spiritual perception and mental perception do work together though. God can actually help you catch the depth of this discussion on perception. "But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding."  Job 32:8  If this part is too heavy for you to believe or accept at this point, that's OK.  Read on.


Some networkers know they could be producing big time, but they cannot perceive doing it. I want to break that problem off them.  Perception can be as simple as you seeing things correctly in your mind, and being able to read between lines in life.


Perception Examples!


We are dealing with mental perception.  Two men are sitting at a traffic light in two separate cars.  The light turns green and both men are ready to drive forward.  Both men hear a loud truck engine but neither can see to the sides.  One man shoots into the intersection, and the other man decides to wait a few seconds.  The loud noise triggers something in his past experience and sends a message of caution to his thinking.  The one man in the middle of the intersection is plowed into by a huge semi-truck doing 65 MPH and his vehicle is vaporized.  The other man watches in horror at the death of a fellow driver, but the man who used caution is spared.  The difference here was perception.  One man perceived danger and one man did not.  The truck noise registered differently in each man's mind.  Both perceived it with their ears, only one got the correct signal to the brain.  Correct perception can save your life.  Correct perception can be the difference of wealth or poverty.  Correct perception can now cause you to break out of a rut.  Correct perception then can also be defined as the correct signal to the brain about a certain subject. 

Two other men were running from a hungry bear in the woods.  The bear was gaining on them and they were going all out for their very lives.  One man yelled, "we have got to outrun this bear."  The other man, almost out of breath, puffed back,  "I don't have to outrun this bear, I just have to outrun you."  Here's another more silly example of two perceptions.


A Racquetball Rookie!


I took up racquetball in the 1970's when it was so popular.  That ball was so small, and it moved so fast, and it hurt if it hit you.  I was a C player.  As that ball zinged by, I couldn't move my mind to move my body to move my racquet fast enough.  As I continued to play week after week,  the ball seemed to slow down.  I became a B player, and I could move fast enough mentally and physically to respond and hit the ball quickly.  I physically didn't get much faster, but my mind began to perceive the game, the ball, it's next move as it ricocheted off the wall, and I could anticipate early and get in position.  This is a good example of perception.  My brain became trained to receive correct signals to excel at this sport. This is applicable in all sports and the mind quickly learns to process sensory information and respond to it.  The racquetball never changed speeds.  My mental perception quickened.  Mark Maguire has been a good hitter always.  Each year, he has hit better.  That is not from lifting weights.  There are players much more muscular than him who strike out, or hit with low averages.  Mark's perception is what has grown.  He can feel a home run in his mind and body before the pitch.  If you could bottle perception, you'd be rich.

Our minds acclimate to either failure or success, and wrong perception can work against you as much as right perception can work for you.  In my industry, real estate, a sale or escrow problem can blow up, and be the end of the world, or, an opportunity to excel, protect your client, and respond correctly as a winner.  In my manual "How To Handle Sales Rejection,"  I simply showed the correct perception of rejection and a winner's response to it.  It is very liberating to see the actual truth, and then respond correctly. 


If you lay on your back at night, and stare at a starlit sky, the longer you stare, the more you will see or perceive.  Your eyes have a kind of built in telescope,  that is, your eyes and your mind together.  Go outside and try it tonight.  Planets, The Milky Way, many other stars, and even shooting stars will show up, and your perception will even go out into the greater beyond as you can sense the other galaxies.  This mental exercise is a good example of how we view our marketplace in our industry.  We often can't see the forest for the tree.  The current problem right in front of you, whether it is low production, or a people problem, or a personal problem, is clouding your ability to see the whole picture.  The office down the street may have 75 sales, and you can't even see one happening.  Remember the starlit sky.  As you sit in a chair, close your eyes and now perceive an enormous volume of sales business for yourself.  It is out there waiting for you or someone else to come by and scoop it into their briefcase.  There is not just fruit growing on the trees, it is laying all over the ground.  If you will bring your wheel barrow instead of your empty coffee can, you can get more. Better yet, bring a dump truck. Your perception will have to be sharp and clear.  It is very easy.  Decide in your mind to think positive, think of possibilities, and think of the potential.


The market is no hotter than your perception of it.  Quit getting together with the negative people and complaining.  Don't complain about your company, your boss, or your secretary.  Complaining will short circuit your perception and those around you.  


Exercise Assignment:  Go for 48 hours without criticizing, condemning, or complaining about anything. These are the 3 C's.  During this time, see if there is anything left in your vocabulary.  If not, you need a major mental overhaul, and you are reading the right manual.


WHILE ON THE SUBJECT OF CRITICISM:  If you work for a firm, you are picking fruit from another's orchard.  I'm sorry if it sounds menial.  Here is a correct perception.  Take it or leave it.  The company has grown a tree of productivity; and if you use their name in your city, then they have the tree and you pick their fruit.  You may have a smaller scale producing tree within their orchard, but they have spent the money, done the pre-marketing, and had the patience to grow a useful organization.  I have heard agents for years say "I'm an Independent Contractor and I get my own business, and they do nothing for me, and my name will be much bigger on my marketing materials than their name."  Don't shoot yourself in the foot.  If you left them, what would your name draw to you?   Your firm has more on the ball than you might think.  They have seeded the marketplace, spent thousands over many years,  and created the ability to have unknown agents or sales people reap business by having the phone ring.  How many sales people have had a wrong perception of what was really going on, and left a good firm, launched out on their own, and fallen flat?  They failed to realize that they had been a fruit picker in a larger orchard,  and when they opened their own little fruit stand on the side of the road and ran out of fruit, they went broke! Sometimes, leaving is proper, and if is your real dream, then you do need to launch out to start your own tree.  But know this- you will be on your own and a patient process is what you'll need besides capital, if you are to have your own orchard.

I am speaking allegorically to make the point.  You have been reaping where you didn't sow. Your company has sowed much to get you into position to reap. You owe them a thank you. (Networker's Edge?) Let this work for you.  Also, when you get up in the morning and you see your competitor has launched another multi-thousand dollar campaign of advertising, don't say oh-no, say oh goody.  Think of the buyers they will get out shopping that you can harvest today.  Begin to talk and think like this: "I will reap where I don't sow and make a lot of money.  The public will be out in force, and if my perception is right,  I will earn big money on the competitor's ads or listings."

"Master, you reap where you do not sow."  Does anyone recognize this as from the Bible in a parable Jesus told? 

People will be wandering around in rotators and safelists and search engines today and you will reap where you did not sow.

On criticism again:  Your orchard owner firm has done much to benefit you, but you may not understand everything they do.  Do not criticize them, they have more expertise than you.  If it was the reverse, they would be working in your orchard. 

Your firm (TNE) has sown big, so you can reap.  It is a matter of perception.  There are issues of loyalty and submissiveness here that will really prosper you. Get in the flow of your firm and refuse to buck against it or it's programs, even if the gossips want to suck you into a complaint-fest!  There is a principle here that operates for your good or for your demise in the industry.  Sometimes we need a fatherly scolding to get our perception right.  My intention is not to offend, but to enhance you.

Your competitor sows big, and although this looks like a negative, you can still reap.  If your attitude is good and your perception clear, you can even consider and leverage off the fact that the harder your competitor advertises, the more real estate thinking they are creating and stirring up for you.  If you are in ReMax, and Coldwell Banker is hitting the public hard, with ads and programs, if you keep your perception correct, you can reap a harvest off of them.  Reap where you did not sow.  People do it everyday.  You can purpose to do it.  How many times did you get a floor call, and the buyer had called everyone else first and you finally got them?  You reaped where you did not sow.  But maybe the other firms got their desire up, and their pre-qual done, and even showed them some homes, but you sold them.  This should be your motto:  "I will sow much daily and reap huge results, but I will even stay in position to reap where I did not sow."   This is a sound principle of perception.

Let your perception get more fine tuned.  Filter out the negatives, and begin to embraced the positives.  Teach your brain to decipher the opportunities instead of the obstacles.  Let you mind's eye see potential, where you used to see failure.  Using perception would be like looking for and tapping into the other 90% of your brain that we don't use.  A person with correct perception in sales is like a bird in flight, they really soar.  Maybe your wings have been clipped until now, and today, you decide to perceive a greatness within that gets you your wings back. 

Being a mega lister in real estate or a good referrer in networking is a good example of good perception.  Tapping the efforts of the buyer representatives by harnessing the duplication of listing is a way to use your perception. 

Do not ever quit working on your perception.  It will serve you and build you as a person.  It will also lead you to greatness. You will do amazing feats with your life.  In Part 1, I mentioned Columbus the discoverer.  He did not buy into the theories of critics that the world was flat, and sailing to the edge was dangerous.  He felt it was round. He felt he could sail in one direction and return from another.  That was 1492.  Columbus had correct perception. There were probably less than 100 people alive at that time that knew the Earth was round.  But the remnant kept a simple perceived truth alive.  The Bible mentions the Earth was round.  The Jewish prophet Isaiah said the Earth was a circle, in his writings.  That was written in about 600 B.C.  The knowledge was a God-given gift.  This was 2000 years before Columbus. Columbus was building good perception on the correct perception of others, standing on their shoulders.

You will never rise in life above the way you are able to perceive things.  Do not accept the way every other person perceives things, but strive yourself to see and perceive freshly for yourself.  Accept this understanding of perception as a principle, to be grasped and used, and developed.  I first began embracing this in the 1980's, and I am still learning about it.  I will probably never share with you a stronger principle.  Tomorrow, in Part 3,  I will share more.  


Perception Part 3


How Do I Maximize My Production With Perception?


Some martial artists are taught to perceive their target 3 feet beyond where it really is.  When they rush forward to make a flying kick, they get enormous power.  They used their perception like a scientific lever and increased their power,  making the kick much more deadly.  This truly is mind over matter.  Your market, your abilities, your opportunities, and your company are no more able to be a benefit to you than your mental perception allows.  Like the karate expert,  perceive beyond your limitations and into the realm where you want to be.  Your perception can be greater than your problems, greater than your abilities, and even greater than your market.  Perception is your servant.  Keen and correct perception awaits you to take you over the top.  It stands by with hands neatly folded and useless until you give it life and direction! Perception is how you view things and the way you choose to think, as you perceive your surroundings.  I know this is abstract wording, but success and winning can be abstract.  I think an NBA team could really use this teaching on perception, as it applies to their game.


Incorrect Perception Can Be A Liability!

Many perceive things worse than they are.  This can come from your upbringing.  Maybe your parents had wrong perception.  This can also result from your experience, having had so much failure, that you respond more easily to it than to success.  Replace bad perception with new and good perception.


Your Goals And Dreams Should Be The Base Of Your Perception!


Gaze at the stars. You'll see them more clearly. If you visit the desert and stand out there at night, your perception can keep seeing farther as you gaze. Forget a telescope.  You have the ability to keep focusing further.  This is perception. In your career, you need to gaze at something.  This would be goals, dreams, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, and more.  Picture the equivalent of a touchdown, or a home run in your industry.  That is you.  You did it.  On the visualization movie screen of your mind, your name is on the credits, and you are the star, or the winner.  If you will do this practice,  your perception will gradually change until you are that way, and it is foreign to your nature to fail or do poorly. A biblical proverb says "a man is as he thinks in his mind."



Everything Looks Bad!

There is another quote in the Bible which states the following:  "The light of the body is the eye; If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness."  Matthew 6:22-23

This staggeringly blunt and to the point statement says that how you perceive things determines your whole makeup, inside and out.  This is spiritually, mentally, and physically.  A great illustration for this principle is marriage.  A couple can stand at the altar and have a clear, lighted eye for one another.  They see quality and amazing wonder standing before them in each other.   After a year or so, many see only garbage in the other, and they want to quit the marriage.  I believe a darkened eye has caused many more marriage failures than actual legitimate faults.  Many spouses simply fail or refuge to see the original quality they saw before, even though it is still present.  We as a society are generally trained to perceive things in a negative light rather than a positive light.  Where marriage is concerned, statistics have proven that most of the divorce statistics are made by repeaters of divorce.  I am not putting down anyone who has had a divorce.  I had one myself.  What I am saying is that there is something wrong with this picture:  "I have had 4 marriages and I couldn't find anything good or worth hanging onto in any of those spouses."  This is the principle of the darkened eye or the incorrect perception of marriage.  If your eye is not what it once was for your marriage,  I recommend you consider correcting your perception before discarding the marriage.  Those who don't get through 1st grade are doomed to repeat it. 

People do this with their education, their jobs, and, yes, they do it with their sales careers.  They also do it with their companies, and they can show you 7 or 8 firms that didn't seem to be worthy of keeping them.  Correct perception is quick to admit to one's own faults, and slow to point out another's.  This correct perception will keep a person stable in one marriage, one job or career, one company, and with an extremely good focus on productivity.  Many changes in one's surroundings because of wrong perception will short-circuit success and damage growth as a person and financial increase. 

Did you ever see a person who was so negative, they had health problems, financial problems, family problems, problems with the President, the Congress, the IRS,  Social Security, their healthcare provider, their boss, their spouse, their neighbors, etc. etc. etc.!  This kind of person has done this so long, they don't know how they sound.  They have indulged in a short term, feel good activity, -complaining.  Every complaint downloads a thought pattern in an amazingly complex computer-their brain.  This thought pattern comes out later in more complaining; what a vicious cycle. 

We all do this to a degree, and we could all use help in breaking the cycle and creating the reverse pattern in ourselves.  How great is the darkness when our perception is dark, but how great is the light when our perception is correct.  Speaking positive, good things and doing the opposite of complaining cycles around also and improves perception rapidly.  Say what you want, say the solution, say the answer, but do not say the problem.  Speak positively.



Perceive Your Way To An Explosive Breakthrough!


What is the market of your area?  Perceive a large market share for yourself.  If you want to work a geographic area, take a look at it from the bird's eye view and perceive the high number of people you will get from it.  If you work leads and prospects, perceive yourself talking to all of them and securing many of them, and look 3 feet beyond them like the karate expert.  Perceive yourself already in the function of it.  If you are doing a presentation and going against competitors, perceive yourself the winner, before you go.  If you learn how to do this effectively, the client's will feel your perception in your expression and body language, and you will be a magnet to them.  People want to be led, and you will lead with the correct perception.  I have tested this myself.  I went out to present my listing service once, and I felt so strongly in perception that it was mine, I decided to skip the presentation and just close.  So I sat down and without sharing what I could do, or anything about my firm, and I asked them if a 3 or 4 month listing was OK.  They quickly signed and I was on my way. I have done this many times since.  It is a perception. It is like Mark Maguire stepping up to the home plate. 

"If people even give you 5 minutes of their valuable time, they already bought  your product or service in their hearts." 

That is a perception statement. Many times, we over-sell and talk ourselves out of a sale or listing.  Sometimes, they will lock on with your perception when you schedule the appointment, and then it is a done deal.  Too much selling can actually give them doubts about you. 

What is the target market you are referring your project to?  Perceive yourself a breakthrough into that target market.  It is a group of people world-wide you must perceive, and you can do it.  See them!


Perception A Huge Realm!


As you can see, this perception is a huge realm and nothing to brush aside.  It is not real tangible, so you may have to read this a few times and then think about it quite a bit.   I search and look for correct perception, and I seek for more of this realm that is beyond my mental limitations.  If you are analytical, it might be a little harder for you to grasp.  But you still can improve greatly. I am a conceptual thinker, with creativity.  This is my makeup,  so I move in this perception realm easily.   

Expect people to like you readily, and expect to do everything well and to list or sell every time you go out on an appointment.  Expect the unusual and miraculous to happen,  when your perception is correct.


Reaching With The Great Hand of Perception!


Let your perception reach like an invisible hand out beyond where you are into the unknown realm of desire and anticipation and grasp your destiny, which is to excel and get wealthy in this chosen profession.  Perception has a 5 finger analogy.  The first finger is vision.  See your goals happening.  That is the pointer finger.  The next finger is the longest finger, and that is perseverance.  Keep trying to perceive and reach further and never quit, and you'll make it and break through to success.  The next finger is the ring finger, denoting relationships.  Correct perception relies heavily on you treating people right, and a light eye must be one of love and caring.  A dark eye sees the worst in yourself and your fellow man, and you treat them badly if you have a dark eye.  That ring finger reaches for the good in people, with the good in yourself.  The little finger, as short as it is, makes you nimble and dexterous, and catches all that may slip though the grip, and that denotes being thorough and diligent and taking the time to do what you must.  The little finger cleans the ear, that is the only finger a person will put in their ear, so that finger also denotes listening well. Correct perception listens well.

Lastly, the thumb.  It is the only finger that can touch all the rest.  It has all the strength for heavy jobs. I makes the grip.  The thumb denotes courage.  Correct perception has courage, and will lay it on the line every time.  Courage under girds all the other virtues of perception as the thumb does the other four fingers.  Vision, perseverance, love and care, diligence and listening, are all held up by courage.  Let your thumb remind you of courage, and see yourself right now as a courageous person, as you tempt obstacles or fate to get in your way, so you can mow them down.

Greg, I don't understand.  That is the problem. You have got to understand it first. Agree to have and use proper perception before you understand it.  That is the only way understanding will come. An explosion and a breakthrough will not be a formula, but rather a wonder to behold. "Some things cannot be taught, but must be caught."  I can teach you about perception, but you must catch it.  First, you must recognize there is something to catch.  Then, you'll catch it.  How do you recognize it?  With desire.  If you do not desire success enough, then all I have showed you here is worthless, and futile.


Approach any situation with perception that says, how will I turn this to good for all? How do I view it to maximize results? If this discussion has got your juices flowing, and you are bursting to get going, and enter this realm, then I have succeeded because it starts with desire, and, the knowledge that there is something out there such as correct perception that is exciting; and that change is possible, and it is possible today! Perceive a new you and a new world.  Perceive potential and possibilities. Perceive your way to success. 

Does it sound like I am in love with perception? Not a bit.  It is my lowly servant, that I may command it to do my bidding.



Perception Part 4


Perception must be rooted in enormous, unquenchable and driving desire.  Desire to achieve is as old as ancient man.  Greatness has never been achieved without great desire.  If you want to know how to unleash the power of perception in your career, you must unleash desire.  Begin to think about success so much and with so much imaginative intensity, that it over takes you and overwhelms you.  When was the last time you had to pull over your car and shout about your dreams and desires? If you are not exploding at the seams from your goals and desires, you are not giving enough attention to them.  Your dreams should wake you up about once a week or more and have you sitting on your couch with a pad and pen, and calculator, and just planning the greatest move of real estate in history.  A strange thing will happen.  Your perception begins to expand and sharpen.  Huge desire and expectation precedes high quality ability and competency.



Desire A Critical Component!


The desire to really change and breakthrough the ruts and bands that have held you back so far has got to increase and boil over.  Extreme desire for achievement and greater financial wealth must come in and become of paramount importance to you.  Many times we want to go forward, but sheer desperation is not behind us with a sword driving us and pushing us to excel, and so apathy is the order of the day.  I want to drive you to desperate desire to breakthrough, but for the right reasons.  I have written a short story to show the power of desperate desire.  Enjoy it. But watch how desire and desperation drives a person to higher ability.  


A Great Feat Of Human Strength!


Frank was driving along just minding his own business. He saw an accident in the distance and realized he'd be the first one on the scene.  As he pulled up, he gulped, and feared the carnage he might see.  A car was upside down, a man was standing beside it, and a truck was down the road about a hundred feet.  This all must have happened in the last minute. The trucker, who was dazed, stumbled out of his truck and came towards the car.  As Frank approached,  the man from the car was kneeling and speaking to someone. Then Frank noticed a woman trapped half in and half out of the turned over car.  She had been wearing no seat belt and apparently had been pinned.  She was not conscious, and the man, apparently her husband, was trying to free her.  The man, in a panic, noticed Frank and shouted, "help me, this is cutting off her breathing."  The trucker arrived at the same time as Frank, and the three men tried all in unison to lift the car.  The car moved about an inch and then they had to let it go.  The woman let out a gasp.  It was too much for them.  The trucker raced back for his truck.  "I'm going to get on my CB," he yelled.  Frank ran back to his car to use his cell phone.  As he called 911, he realized that the emergency crews would not be in time.  They were miles from any fire station or town.  If something was to be done, these men would have to do it.  Frank also knew that each time they tried and failed, they would worsen the woman's condition, squeezing even more breath out of her.  Frank looked in his car trunk for any tool or equipment he could find. 

The husband was crying now.  He was about 55 to 60 years old, and Frank felt for him.  What if that was my wife, thought Frank.  The man was now beginning to try to lift the car again.  Frank shouted, "Mister, wait, if you let it go again, you'll finish her off.  The man stopped.  He knew exactly what Frank was saying.  Then the man blurted, "if we don't try, she'll die anyway.  The man had a point thought Frank.  There appeared to be no time to wait.  "Let's do it" yelled Frank.  The trucker was not around.  Frank and the husband alone stepped up to the side of the car pressing on the woman.  Each one deliberately grabbed the car with a good grip.  Neither had started to lift yet. Both men looked at one another.  They braced their backs.  They knew what they had to do.  In his mind Frank said, I will not set this car down again on this woman.  Frank, who was more collected than the husband, spoke up.  "What we do, we do together.  On three, we lift slowly and steadily. Are you ready?"  The man knodded yes.  Frank shouted out, "one," each man flexed his muscles, tightening them for the heaviest lift they ever made.  "Two," Frank could hear sirens in the distance. Both men now were thoroughly focused on the task.  Their timing had to be perfect. It was now or never.  "Three" Frank yelled.  With a great groan, Frank lifted straight up and so did the husband.  Neither of them had any conscious knowledge of what they were now doing, because it was so absurd.  They felt like machines, but they were timed in perfect harmony.  The car moved so violently, that it totally turned over, off the woman, back on to it's tires, and even tilted to roll again.  At the last split second, it bounced down on it's tires, but totally clear of the woman.  the husband knelt down to attend to his wife.  Frank stood there dazed, coming back to his senses.  An ambulance came roaring up.  Frank thought, good, the woman will get needed medical attention.  Frank sat down nearby.  His shoulder was sore. Other than that, he was fine. 


Frank could see the woman coming around. A paramedic had oxygen on her.  They were loading her into the ambulance.  Firemen and police were buzzing around.  An officer and the trucker approached Frank.  The trucker spoke first.  "Buddy, I watched you and her husband lift off that car.  I was in my truck on my CB radio, trying to reach someone, when I saw you guys try again.  I thought for sure you would kill the woman."  The officer then spoke.  "Sir, is it true, you lifted the car with that man?"  Frank stammered a little,  "yeah, uh, I guess we did it."  It was just beginning to hit Frank what they had done.  The two men had done the remarkable.  The desperation, the timing, the concern for a life,  and the courage to try all came into play.

The wife was being loaded in the ambulance.  The husband climbed in but took a long look back at Frank.  They made eye contact.  As the doors were being closed, the man lifted a hand slowly in the air, sort of a noble gesture of gratitude and honor.  At this moment, only the two men knew how they felt about the last 15 minutes. The doors slammed and the ambulance sped away.  The officer walked towards Frank. "Sir, the press will be here in awhile, I'm sure they are going to want to talk to you."  The officer talked to Frank and asked him a few more questions,  then went to handle some other business on the scene.  Frank thought, I don't want any press.  So Frank slipped quietly away, got in his car, and drove off.  Going down the highway, Frank reflected.  It had been a heroic moment, but more important than that, it wasn't possible.  They bounced a heavy full sized car off a woman like a toy.  Could he do it again?  He knew he couldn't.  The moment was a special fluke that had many elements lined up and synchronized. It was kind of a once in a lifetime occurrence.   Frank had heard the stories of this, and remembered something about adrenaline.  But it was more than strength, because he and the man had been a team more accurately composed and directed than the most sophisticated computers could have arranged. Frank felt good.  It is not everyday you help save a life.  Frank had tapped a secret place inside himself, as had the husband, and the human potential rose to the occasion, and excelled and triumphed.  Frank would go home and tell his wife about his day.  She would have to believe him.  When Frank got home, he went to open the garage door.  Ouch, his shoulder was stiff.  He'd have to use his other shoulder.  As the door went up, Frank strained; he'd have to get a new door opener, the old one was broken, and it was all he could do to lift the door.  After all, he hadn't worked out in years!!



We've all heard these kind of stories. Was this a miracle?  Maybe. I do believe in miracles. But to me, this one probably wasn't. If the car lifted off the woman without men trying to do it, that would seem angelic, or miraculous. People have an inner capacity to do certain things they never thought they could do.  In the story, the men set their will to do a great feat, and they achieved it.  They tapped into human greatness. I believe these two men had some adrenaline, but adrenaline does not tell you to try an impossible act, it only helps you do it.  It is the mind that reaches into the vast unknown, and I believe it is perception, the internal view that we might just be bigger than we are, for a moment of time, to try.  Am I speaking to anyone reading this? Can you at very scarce and vague times see huge accomplishments and feats not available to normal people?  Has there been a moment or a small glimpse of yourself in greatness, more than seems possible to your usual self?  This is an inner perception, fueled and led by desire.   Let's go in and get that little glimmer and roust him into huge action.


We can be great in the sales industry.  No one is excluded and anyone with the right desire and other ingredients can achieve sales greatness. What was evident in the story was the desire to save a life.  This shows that desire to overcome or achieve must exceed the tendency in people to fail, and the desire to achieve must far exceed the tendency towards apathetic mediocrity.  This is a great secret for success, achievement, financial breakthrough, and lasting sales strength.  You stand at the threshold of new realms today to go for greatness or continue down the same stale path you may have been on.  Step through the doorway to a new destiny.  Use desire to move into more perception of success. Take the first step and decide it will not be business as usual, but higher ground will be taken.


Go take a simple step.  Speak with some home sellers.  Set up buyer ads.  Use perception and then diligently work whatever comes to your hand to do!

Perception is a correct vision of your future.  People die without a vision.  That death may not be physical death, but a dream can die, and so can a bank account.

How bad do you desire to make a living from marketing eventually?  If you want it bad enough, it can cause you to perceive your way to greatness in our project!

 Next time, we will see a special perception that I learned from my son-in-law.


Perception Part 5


You need to have the mindset and the mental skill to handle more business, be multi-tasked, and be organized, and I believe perception is how we do it.  If you want to earn more, you must be flexible and able to spread yourself around, with skill.
My Son In Law The Tile Contractor!
My son in law, Ron, is a fairly new tile contractor.  He began as a laborer for another contractor and learned the business.  He then advanced to tile setter, and then began doing side jobs on weekends.  His side work turned into more and more job offers, until he was forced to get his license and open his own tile business.  His work is excellent, and one thing about him is the best I have ever seen in a young person - his work ethic.  He works 7 days a week and has to be asked to take a day off by his wife, my daughter. 
Recently, he began to hire people.  He now has 5 workers, besides himself.  He is growing fast, and I see him having 50 people soon.  One day, I asked him how he handles all the jobs, and all the work he does, and he simply said, he has to juggle and maneuver around to stay on top of it.  But it all gets done, and much to his customer's satisfaction.
I thought about this statement in regards to real estate and I thought how we real estate people complain when we get too multi-tasked, when we have buyers to show, escrows to close, listings to take, and then, our personal lives, it can be overwhelming.
But I believe this is a matter of perception.  We can juggle it all.  Remember the old saying: "if you want to get something done, give the task to a busy person." 
How many times did you have 15 minutes to do an hour task, and you did it, with 4 minutes to spare?  That was a feat of perception, because others might have needed the whole hour to do the same thing.
You can do more than you think.  You can use more than 10% of your brain, which is what most studies say we use.  But you must believe you can, and perceive yourself as being able to, and then just do it.
Juggle those duties, and take on more.  I am trying to get you into the realm where you earn $200,000 to $400,000 per year.  Focus, focus, focus, and more focus.
If my son in law can do it, so can we. Even after I spoke with him, and saw this, I then expanded.  How might I help you in this?  By simply suggesting you can and that it is inside you.  I also can help you by pointing out it is a mental perception issue, which you can change if you want.  Is this abstract?  Yes! 
Can you do it? Yes.  You can handle all those chores, and sales, and new issues, and do it in record time, with time to spare.  In fact, the more you are like this, the more free time you'll find.  Diligence becomes the reigning virtue and you slay old giants more easily than before.  Disorganization, procrastination, stress, depression,...   - these are some of the giants.  Slay them with one clean blow of perception, perceive the answer, your diligence and aggressive action to change.  Keep on slaying them everyday for the rest of your life.  Who is the real boss of your life anyway?  Your circumstances, or you?
Do not try to conquer the world if you cannot clean and organize your desk, office,  garage, or house!  Start small, and perceive your way to full organization by tonight. Go do it!  If you need til tomorrow to get organized, that is OK.  But do it.  Your organizational platform is the positive foundation for new business and undertakings.
Go read and re-read the issues of Perception 1-4 in the light of this one here.  Then, expand and improve and increase on purpose. Do it all.  Kick that little whiner out, you know, your old mental perception that said, you can't do it all?


Perception Part 6


Don't Quit Ever!  Here is a powerful section to help launch your explosion!

Perseverance is a foundational attribute of correct perception!
Maybe this email finds a few wondering if they should stay in real estate.  Maybe others simply wonder if they will ever produce huge numbers and be a mega producer!
Maybe some tried some ideas from the Real Estate Explosion, and fell flat.
I want to address each group of individuals now, with one perception article.  This is a powerful admonition to all. 
Do not quit.  Whatever you wanted to do, don't quit.  You can win if you don't quit. 
History proves this!  In World War 2, France fell in 1940, and Hitler and the Third Reich claimed victory over all Europe.   Hitler appealed to Britain and the other nations.  He said, "I am the victor.  I see no reason this war need go on."
Germany had superior forces to any in Europe.  Britain was definitely an underdog.  But Britain had spirit and she had guts.  The leader, Winston Churchhill, had bulldog determination.  He put forth a statement that caused the British to rally together.  This was his comment: 
"The battle of France is over; I expect the battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization....  let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say this was their finest hour."
We know the outcome.  Hitler fell.  The British Empire went on, and their attitude was, and is, ... inspirational.
I say to each of you, "let us brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves as real estate people to good service and high production....., that men will say of our careers during this season of activity, "it was their finest hour!" 
This may sound a little dramatic or even corny to some, but let me know if your career does not seem like a huge uphill fight most of the time, and I will see you get a special award.  We fight our own attitudes, we fight the competition, we fight to close escrows, we fight against opposing issues, we struggle against odds in our personal lives, and we fight battles all the time. You know I am right.  Then, try to factor in a higher level of production, and you really have a fight.  So what we need is spirit, and "bulldog" determination that does not quit.
If you don't quit, you will win.  
What is winning?  To some, it may be getting your income over $100,000 per year.   To others, it may be listing 5 homes in a month.  Whatever it is, don't quit trying to do it.
Maybe you called sellers for a week and struck out.  Don't quit.  The numbers are with you and the odds are getting better with each try.  Maybe you tried to present "Buyer Agency" with no takers.  Don't quit, there are buyers who need you.  Maybe you ran ads as we teach and didn't get any escrows or deals.  Those ads work, you just need to find and realize your own niche.  Keep pushing.  This concept of ads is so powerful, you can keep 10 agents busy if you keep trying, and don't quit.

You are networking and trying to refer to your favorite project! You have seen no referrals for awhile. So what? Keep on keepin on! Good perception refuses slumps and pushes right on through.
I want to see you win, and you need to win for you.  Much depends on you not quitting and you pushing through.  Fulfill your dream and make it a reality.  I will take perseverance over skill any day of the week.  The paradox is, the skill grows if you persevere and don't quit.  Do not be weak, be strong inside and finish what you start. 
This is today, and tomorrow is a new day.  Show up to work ready to do it.  Go to the next level.  Plan the day, and do the plan. 
"When you do the things you ought to do when you ought to do them, the day will come when you do the things you want to do when you want to do them."   Zig Ziglar
Today is a day of discipline.  Make things happen.  Face your destiny and say to yourself, "I am going to that place of achievement, it is my destiny." 
I challenge you to pick up the pace today and tomorrow.  Call those leads, the buyers, the cold leads and the hot ones, but just call and figure out where they stand. Move on then to fresh business.  Say, "I will make an offer for a buyer by tomorrow night. I don't know the buyer or the property yet, but I will find them."
Then, renew a listing program.  Just do it.  Take away some of that arrogant competitor's market share.  You can do it.  If you want to, you can! 
You will feel great as you get aggressively diligent about your career and talk to people and get busier.  Fight the doldrums, the apathy, and the poverty.  If you must quit something, only quit the procrastination and the laziness.  Quit the disorganization and the negative thinking.  Only quit those. Then fight to go higher!  Fight and don't quit your goals and dreams. 
You will win if you don't quit. 
You may get a few scars, you may get bloody and dirty, but push through into your victory.  Move ahead, and do not allow "quit" in your vocabulary. 
"I've never known a man (woman) worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline...., I firmly believe that a man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear, - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lives exhausted on the field of battle, - victorious!"  Vince Lombardi
Do not quit.  Whatever you wanted to do, don't quit.  You can win if you don't quit.
If you had "quit" in you, or you had quit anything you wanted to do,  and you are upset at yourself, your redemption is to turn it around and go forward. 
It will help you to email me back after you read this and say, "Greg, I won't quit again." That action will be a symbol of your new launching into perseverance and greatness!


Step 1 - How To Market Your Project!  (Using Perception)

(This will work for any project you market)

Based on the teaching you just read, before you start marketing, make some adjustments in your perception. You can do anything you set your mind to do. See results inside your mind's eye.

The best results I have seen with The Networker's Edge so far is warm market referring.  Each of you knows 2-5 people who could use this. They may be in another program with you, or a friend or relative.  If you rely only on safelists, then you get people also who rely only on safelists.  If you reach out and show this to a warm market person, then they often do the same, and you get a leg in the matrix shooting down that goes deep with warm market contacting.  What you do and how you do it duplicates very well.  If you network with your new referrals, they will do so too with their new referrals.  It may not have to be your relatives, how about you contact list from other projects?

Go get 3 warm market people.  Email them.  Call them.  Speak to them.  You can do it.  They will thank you.  There is a good story to tell about TNE.  But you must invade your perception with new thinking.  New perception can help you have an explosion.  Each morning, I hit reset on my mind perception, and then I begin to get excited about everything I am working on all over again. You will not find me being too depressed or down to blast emails, or call a contact. I can teach this to you. Stay with me. I know how to mentor.

Here is a perception for you:   I am spot # 1.  I have a downline of over 1200.  Let's say a person comes in at spot 100, or 600, or 1200.  He or she is in his or her own top spot.  They can do what I did.  They can grow this as big as I can. I will always just be a little ahead, because of time.  Spot 1472 can get 35,000 in their downline.  Each spot in this project can get as big as mine.  If I can do 50,000 referrals, so can you. You are the CEO and leader of your spot. You are the marketing arm of your spot. You are the goodwill ambassador of your spot.  You are the investor in your spot.  You are weed puller and landscaper of your spot.  But guess what?  Your spot is not in the back office, it is not in my matrix, it is not in your computer, it is mostly in your mind.   I can prove it.  My spot has 50,000 people in my mind.  In my computer, and at the project domain, it has 1200.  Don't try to tell me I don't have 50,000.  I had them before I created this program.  Get it?  Use your perception.  Good perception is catching.  I can give it to you, and you can give it away, and I incorporate you into my huge group, and you incorporate the next person into your huge group.  My 50,000 becomes your 50,000. You are part of my perception group and my group is part of yours.  Use 5 steps!

"PERCEPTION" TO "VISION" TO "BELIEF SYSTEM" TO "GOAL" TO "REALITY"!   I am on step 4, which is GOAL, which step are you on? 

Your "yet to be built organization" for your own network exists in your mind. 

It exists there in purpose, and in vision, and in positive thinking.  It exists in you holding fast to your dream, to earn a home based income using online concepts, mixed with offline concepts. Do you get what I am saying?  Lock on with me.  Perceive numbers, and success.  Reset your brain, and see what I am saying to you.  Your ID may be 175, or 1100, or 2000, or whatever, but that is the numerical label of this thing which exists inside you.  If you stare at a strange design on paper, for awhile, and remove the paper, and look at a plain white surface, you can still see the design.  This is an example of physical perception.  Let your mind be that way now.  Use the tool of mental perception. You have a huge organization.  Perceive it. Stare at it. It is built one person at a time.  But as the weed puller and landscaper of your mind, you will have to pull out the negative mind weeds. Do not go negative on me, do not back burner this thing, and do not abort.  It is natural to grow and increase, it is un-natural to abort and quit. Do what is natural.

I am telling you to go get 50-100 referrals, direct ones.  Work those 50 -100 and watch them duplicate you to 2000-3000 more indirect downline persons.  And then, that is just the beginning. 

More of Greg's thoughts on Perception:  

We have a flow at MFN, and if you come into it and flow with us in the same direction, without criticizing, we can all get more accomplished.  Imagine if you had a 1000 member downline that all understood perception, and were looking inside themselves for power and understanding.  You would be the head of a guerilla  sales force, a group of elite people who were getting inner issues removed so that nothing could get in the way of their goals. 

If you saw value in the training here, on perception, rest assured there will be much more.  I suggest you read it again.  Our minds are our biggest enemies.  The battle to prospect and refer is in your mind.  The battle to think positive is in your mind.  We have about 1200 people at my project.  I have referred many of them.  (direct referrals)  But I have been able to do this for years, but I credit "Perception" with the reason I can do that.   No, I don't get results because I am the owner, I never say that in ads when I refer people.  I also don't do that because I can email blast to millions, because I can't, and I don't.

Here is a correct perception.  You should be able to get 50-100 referrals too.  I never tapped any other databases for those referrals.  They are all out of the safelists, from running ads and email posting. 

You can try to imitate me on blasting, or in speech, or in attitude, but if you want my secret of referring, you need to stayed glued to principles I share, because it is principles and ideas that give me the ability.  I don't share my stats to brag, I am a teacher.  I need to let you know what you can do by showing you what I do.  Wealth building is based on principles of sales and success, and correct perception.  Correct perception is simply wisdom.  Knowledge may be power, but wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge correctly. 

Go on a quest to improve your perception about life, and about sales and referrals.   You can do it.  I perceive that you are better already!


3 Points of Good Perception!


My son Daniel plays JV baseball, he is a freshman, (15 years old) in a Christian school.  He is new back in baseball, he hasn't played since 4th grade.  He usually plays outfield.  He is one of the smallest guys on the team, and inexperienced.   Last game, the coach said he could pitch.  He usually catches a ride to school with my 18 year old son, but today, he asked me to drive him so I could help him prepare mentally.  I have always done this with my sons, as I have a gift in this area of teaching and training, and I really just help them tweak their mental perceptions to be at the top of their game.  Athletics is highly mental, and more mental than physical.  But isn't referring or sales mostly mental also? 
Below are 3 principles I told him.  Then, I made him repeat them back to me several times.  Picture yourself in my son's shoes today as a pitcher, as you read this.
1)  If you throw one strike, you can throw it every time.  -  This does not mean you will, but it does mean you have proved it possible to yourself, and the potential is there.  This goes for touchdowns, home runs, or anything.   It also goes for referring.   If you got one referral, you can get 100.  How persistent or tenacious are you willing to be?   STRIKE 1!
2)   Throw every pitch as if it the first time.  -  Don't base the next one on the last one.  Pride gets in if you are doing well, and failure sets in if you are doing poorly.  So make it a mental discipline to put the last one away, in your mind, and hit reset.   Come back to your goal and template with each gain or step you take.  Our minds are very intricate, and they produce pictures on the inside.   Someone who is batting is in a strike out slump.  He has got that last strike out in his mind, the next time.  It actually breeds the next strike out.  As pitcher, if my son throws 4 balls and walks his batter, then his mind has to overcome that, or erase it to go on and get back to strikes.  Like begats (gives birth to) like.  We learn that from the Bible.  Seeds come up, and as a man thinks, so is he.   That is also in the Bible.  A pastor I once had said, "as a man thinks, so does he become,  and so does he perform, and so does he repeat, and so does he reproduce after himself."  (Ladies, I say man in the generic sense, like mankind)  So the whole key is in the thinking.  And what a key it is.  Change the thinking, and perceiving, and you can change the results.  Don't always think the worst case scenario.  Think positive outcomes.  Think solutions.  Go get every referral as if it is the first one.  Forget yesterday, it is gone and won't come back.  Put away your past successes, and your past failures. Do not base anything ever on past performance, be it good or bad.  Yesterday's referrals mean nothing.  Yesterdays lack of referrals means nothing either. Reset mentally  to your goal and objective at every small step.    STRIKE 2!
3)  Run the movie screen of your mind before you pitch, and see a strike every time.  See the wind up, see the release, see the follow through, and see the catcher's mitt receive the ball, a perfect strike. -  It only takes a split second to see this, but this mental discipline will raise the percentage of strikes immensely.  When you go to promote TNE, or anything you are promoting, see the referral first.  See that you have one before it happens.  Envision it.  It is amazing how this practice effects your decisions on how to prospect, when to prospect, what to prospect with, and how often you prospect.  IF YOUR PROSPECTING IS FLAT, AND TOTALLY UNSUCCESSFUL, I AM WILLING TO BET THAT YOU DO NOT REALLY BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO GET A REFERRAL.  CHANGE THIS.  IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM.  If they said to you, there are $5, $10, and $20 bills all over the ground outside, you'd get out there and pick up as many as you can.  You would need no motivation.  But that is really how Internet marketing is everyday, except for our attitudes.  Every morning when you get up, there are people who represent $5, $10, and $20 bills everywhere, and you can go find those people and set them in place as a captured lead with you and you will have bankable future monies with that maneuver, except it will grow into duplicated, multiplied, residual mega income.  But see the referrals just as you would see money outside on the ground.  See them before they happen.  Flip on the light switch in your mind from dark to light, and see the abundance and not the lack.  This is an amazing practice.  I have done this for years.  My sons do this.  Vision is a good thing.  Envision results first, and see how many more positive results you get.  But be tenacious, and do not give up until your results match the vision.  A famous motivator says we need to get rid of "stinkin thinkin" and we need to "get a check up from the neck up!"   I am glad he said that and not me.  I just delivered the words.  : )
At times, I can feel in a strange kind of way a referral before I obtain it,  before it happens, or, I so perceive it in advance that my mind gives it a kind of substance of reality.  When it comes in, I am not surprised. No, I am not esoteric, or into esp, or telekinetic ability, or anything like that.  I do believe in a realm of the miraculous that is Godly, and Biblical, and we humans kind of live on the edge of that realm and slip into it at times, when we don't expect, and I am here to say that positive perception AND FAITH will get you there at that edge quite often.  I trained under a master salesman in 1988 and 1989, and he could sell anything to anyone.  He told me once that there is a time in sales when everything is going right, and he called it "serendipity"!   He would come into the office at the end of the day with 3 sales, which is an extraordinary feat, in the industry they call that a hat trick.  That means 3 major presentations in people's living rooms, or kitchens, and when the odds are usually 1 in 3, he got 3 in a row.  He did that often.   He made $7,000-$9,000 in a day when he did that.  (We were tin men; we sold siding, windows and sun rooms.  This was an 18 month sabbatical I took from real estate, the only time I did not sell real estate in the last 30 years!)
Whether you are pitching baseballs or referring people into projects for huge income, start to realize that you can use more than the usual 10% of your brain  (some people use about 1% or less  : ))  by having good perception, and by mental disciplines. You can also pull substance out of a realm of human and Divine thinking mixed together and achieve greatness.  Albert Einstein, after discovering the Theory of Relativity, and figuring out E=Mc2  said that he woke up one morning and in his own words, "I discovered the mind of God and the whole make up of the Universe."  When you find out how much of Einstein's theory is in the Bible, written by ancient men, who had no science, it makes one believe Einstein.  (I have a writing coming up on this in White Fields Ezine)  Einstein had the correct mental perception.  Learn to turn on correct perception and you will change your world, in a big way. Re-read this again, and get the 3 principles down so you can say them back to me if I ask you. Better yet, use this these principles next time you prospect.    STRIKE 3!   OUT!  

More Perception Thoughts!

People can see with their eyes ways to do things, but there is a limitation of the sense realm which can cause tunnel vision. The mind is made to really do abstract things and to comprehend so much more than we ever do comprehend. They say we use 10% of our brains. There are ways to expand the thinking processes to see extra concepts in our mind's eye. Our mind's eye is the basis of the realm of dreams, imagination and vision. Our mind's eye is our perception. We can perceive referring people to our projects, and we must perceive it before we can do it.  We want to refer, and we want to succeed, but we cannot see ourselves entering that realm. Our mind has not yet grasped it.  An example is when you got your first bicycle. You couldn't ride it, but you saw others riding their bikes. You would try and fall over quickly.  A part of your brain had to grasp the riding, and feel it.  Then, suddenly, your parents could take off the training wheels. Your mind saw, and felt the solution. You entered into that skill.  Referring is much like that. If you will let me, I can help you go over the hump into the perception of the skill. You just have to want to. Are you willing?


"Outside the Box Marketing!"
I am working on an e-book by this name.  The direction I want to take it is one of web traffic development, marketing knowledge and skills not related to safelists and rotators, and SEO concepts and ideas. I don't mean lead generators, viral strategies, etc, I mean good rankings in SE, ideas that cause that, and super affiliate marketing.
There are people who market online and makes tons of money who never do MLMs. Then there are people who think MLM and Internet marketing are the same thing.  I have nothing against MLMs.  I am one of those kind of marketer.  But there is more to Internet marketing than groups of people running from one new MLM opening to another, leaving a wake of left and abandoned projects behind.  The day you realize there is a bigger picture in Internet marketing, you will have turned a corner in your thinking.  I would think it great if I was the one to show you that.
Picture this scenario:  You make 50 sales a day of a $7 project, and you have a system built to maintain that, and it is not residual, or generational, but rather direct sales and your payment processor in going cha-ching one sale after another.  Or, you make 15 sales a day of a $30 commission, and earn huge money daily off of high volume. Is this possible?  What if you had a $100 product that paid you $50 per sale?  Sell 4 of those daily and you have earned $200.  What if you earned $500 per sale?  Sell one of those daily and that is $500 daily.  In other words, having a direct product along with a personal production schedule is a very key thing to do in Internet Marketing.  It allows you to do the things I have taught, and do them in a huge way.
Many people are doing this everyday. Whether they use PPC, or forums, or Search engine placement, or even Traffic Swarm, this is happening.  The first thing we need to see is that this kind of marketing is available, and done, and you can be one that does it.  I would rather market like this myself, and I would rather help you get the knowledge it takes to do this, and we will just build our MLM projects as we do this other marketing.

Watch for future e-books to be released soon!


The End

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