An American Millennium:

Common Sense

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Common Sense For  A New Millennium Essay



Chapter 21



July 4, 2004


            The old man stirred his tea again.  He held it up in the air, with his arm outstretched in front of him.  His tea warmed itself.  He cleared his throat.  “My dear Ben, our story takes a turn here.  The world has many men and women like Michael Ingstrom.  They are set to do their masters will at any cost.  They have evil power, and they are very serious about their own motives and directives.  They are often very competent and capable people.  Their marriage to evil has its rewards, and they can succeed with many plans.  What they have failed to consider, however, is that their master is using them, and will discard them at the earliest opportunity.  He will own their souls for eternity, and they have bought into a very losing side.

Now take the Almighty.  He does things so different.  His men and women don’t seem so powerful.  Yet, the Almighty has more servants in the Earth, than the evil one.  And, the Almighty’s servants are more powerful than any of the opposition’s servants.  It is just a fact that many of our Master’s servants are in training, and they are ignorant and oblivious to the great power they possess, and they are not ready for a big assignment.  Some are however.  These simple people are humble.  Moses carried a shepherd’s rod, and was a quiet and shy man.  He waited 40 years to be ready to do some quick work in Egypt.  Jesus was a carpenter, and I know He still likes that trade even now.  His birth was in a stable.  His followers were simple fishermen.  He grew into the Master, surrounded with the deepest of humility.

In all generations, even in the current generation, the Master has generals.  These generals may not have high education, or much money, or even good looks, but this they have.  They trust the Master, and know Him, and He trusts them.  The Enemy has flashy lieutenants, but the Master has lowly generals.  They are plain people, and they sometimes wait a lifetime to do what the Master has prepared them to do.  Then, their assignment from the Master might take 1 day, and then be over for all eternity.  Leopard, with all his power, would not come within 200 feet of one of these lowly generals.  He could lose it all in an instant.  That is the kind of Holy Spirit power the Master shares and gives to his generals.  He never gives it prematurely, or before several testings, because they must be totally obedient with that power.  A general of the Master will never tell you he, or she, is a general.  Boasting is not allowed. So they dress like any common person, they raise a family, they serve the Master, and He is good to them.  They feel privileged to deny themselves glory, or a flaunting of the powerful things they have learned, but they are totally content and peaceful with their obscurity.

These generals pray all the time.  They can be driving down the road, and praying.  They pray, and the Master has an innumerable group of Angels just on call for His general’s prayers. The mightiest Angels do not have the power that these generals have, because the human in touch with the power of the Master brings out the reason for the existence of Angels, which is to serve.  Generals serve the Master, and the Angels serve the generals.  It is quite a system.  Justin ran into one general in his old pastor, but he was old and worn out, and about to come and join the Master, and his wife.  In fact, the old pastor was kept around long enough to strategically show Justin where to go.  No, the one I am talking about, and taking all this time to lead up to, is Duffy.

Duffy didn’t know why he bought Camp Woodcrest in 1984, but he felt the Master leading him to, so he obeyed.  He just decided to settle in, do his caretaker chores, and love his wife.  The two would play cards, take long walks, and just enjoy the serenity.  Nevertheless, Duffy never let go of the fact that he had something very important to do.  So, he prayed for years for this event, and his own correct response to it.  He would go out at night and watch the sky.  His destiny from the Master was coming.  He wasn’t told what, but in his prayer link with the Master, the Master conveyed to Him that it was vital to all of Heaven and to Earth for him to obey and stay ready.  In fact, the Master had thousands in that same position, and still does.  Often, they are grandmas, wielding power over nations, with prayer efficiency unequaled, as they carry on a humble existence in their daily lives.  Sometimes the ways of the Almighty are beyond all aspects of human reason and protocol.

It is intriguing to imagine a general who is a grandma or an ordinary man like Duffy, deeply committed to the Lord’s will, praying and staying off an advancing army, or turning a national election, or locating a lost child, when armies, and powerful groups, and sophisticated equipment and technology cannot have such an effect.  The power available to someone like this is infinite, coming from the infinite, unfathomable God of the Universe.  It is God’s great preference and requirement that his Earthly servants move Earthly events with their prayers.  It is a privilege to move events of mankind, and history, for God, with a prayer life, but the qualification to such a position is quite different from all other positions in the Earth.  The Almighty looks longingly to find a vessel with this simple qualification - willingness.   



Wednesday, October 27, 1999, Woodcrest, Washington


            Justin pulled up first.  There was a sign that said “Office,” and a light was on.  It was getting dark, and the trees made it even darker.  Justin walked into the office, and a woman about 50 years old sat behind a desk across the room.  She jumped up and started towards Justin.  “You must be Justin.  I’m Liz.  Pastor Freedman told us about you.  Welcome.”

Justin smiled.  ”Thank you, M’am.”

“Call me Liz.  My husband is outside and will be here in a moment.”

Justin looked around.  The place was nice, and very quiet.  He heard some steps at the door, and turned to see a man entering.  The man was about the same age as the woman.  He wore overalls with a long underwear shirt, and running shoes.  He had a full head of gray hair and when he smiled, a gold tooth was visible.  He looked pleasant enough.

“Justin,” he said as he shot across the room and shook Justin’s hand.  “I am Duffy.  We’re glad you can stay here.”

Justin smiled and said, “Nice to meet you, sir.  I do have a change of plans if it is not too inconvenient.”  Duffy looked at him kindly.  “I have some friends coming in, and I need to work with them.  Can they stay here too?”

Duffy laughed.  “I thought you were going to say you couldn’t stay at all.  Of course, they can!  You can fill up the campgrounds if you want.”

“Well, maybe just 3 or 4 cabins.”  Justin was a bit sheepish, but he was quite impressed with this couple and with the old Pastor’s influence to get him here.  This old Pastor Freedman was quite well connected.  Justin had no idea.

            Duffy led Justin to a cabin and showed him inside.  Then Duffy took Justin and showed him the clubhouse where he and his friends could meet.  Justin was pleased.  “Duffy, I appreciate your hospitality.  Pastor Freedman spoke well of you.  I do feel welcome, and I like this place.”

Duffy got serious for a moment.  “Justin, when the Pastor told me about you, I knew I had to help you.  I figure what you have going on is top priority right now.  I am one of God’s sons, and I do what He says.  You look like a man with a lot of things going on, and you need a hand.  My wife and I are glad to be of service.”

Justin knew he was sincere.  Justin returned to his cabin, and unpacked his small bag.  He looked around the cabin.  Above the door, was a sign.  It was a scripture verse, painted in beautiful script.  It said:  "In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge."  Proverbs 14:26

            At 7:30 P.M., Justin heard a car pull up.  He walked outside, and recognized Ralph’s car.  Ralph and Sheila got out and walked towards Justin.  Ralph introduced Sheila to Justin, and the three went inside.  They went into the clubhouse, and sat down.  In a few minutes, Duffy came in, and Justin introduced the newcomers.  Justin said, “He takes care of this place, and he and his wife live here.”  Duffy smiled, and then he proceeded to build his guests a fire.  When he had finished, he excused himself, and left.

Sheila broke the silence.  “Justin, I’ve been eager to meet you.  Ralph filled me in on how you got into this mess.  It appears we are both journalists.”

Justin smiled.  “I have written some things I wished I had never written.  I enjoyed your articles.  It seemed, sometimes, that you were chronicling the events and circumstances surrounding what I have been through.”

Ralph broke in.  “Justin, can Sheila get a room here?”

“Yes, it’s all arranged.  These people are great, and they’re trustworthy.”  Sheila told Justin about the computer guy who was coming the next day and suggested that perhaps they could set up a kind of information center here in this room.  After awhile, Justin went to find Duffy to get Sheila’s room while Sheila walked Ralph to his car.  Justin looked back, and saw the two of them.  Well, well, thought Justin, this police work makes strange bedfellows.  He chuckled to himself, and went into the office.  In a few minutes, Ralph was gone, and Sheila was settled in her cabin, and Justin back in his.  Everyone at Woodcrest fell asleep quickly that night and all slept very peacefully.  It had been a long day, and this was a restful place.



Thursday, October 28, 1999


            Ralph drove up at 10:00 A.M. with Jeff Graham.  He had picked him up for Sheila, and now, this team was forming into a resourceful group.  Sheila walked out to meet them, and the three went to the trunk of the car and got some packages out along with a huge suitcase.  They took everything into the clubhouse, and started to unpack it.  Justin entered the room and approached Ralph, eager to get on with whatever Ralph had planned.

Ralph said, “Jeff, this is the man I told you about.  He has met the leader.”

Justin shook Jeff’s hand, and smiled.  “A computer expert, huh?”

Jeff shook his head, and said, “Some think I am.  I enjoy tinkering with them.”

Duffy strolled into the room, and Justin introduced him to Jeff.  Duffy warmly welcomed him and said, “Is anyone hungry?  Liz has a meal of hotcakes and eggs all ready in the cafeteria.  Why don’t you all come over and eat before you get started.”

Ralph jumped up from a chair.  “That’s a great idea.  Let’s go!”  Ralph had taken command, and the four, with Duffy, went off to eat together.  These four were a very unlikely group:  The detective, the college teacher, the reporter from New York, and the young computer expert from Colorado.  What force could bring such a unique group together, and what fateful event could have set these good people up to take on the most powerful organization and threat, that America would ever face?  As they walked, Duffy brought up the rear.  He watched the four in front of him.  He looked up at the sky, and spoke these five words, in a whisper:  “this is it, isn’t it.”



Thursday, October 28, 1999, Omaha, Nebraska


            Bob Madsen sat at his desk.  He was thinking hard.  He had too few leads and too many crimes.  He needed something today.  The Director would call at lunchtime, as he had been every day during the last week.  If he didn’t get something, Bob would again have to tell him that he was no closer.  Bob grabbed his planner and looked up a phone number.  He dialed it, and waited for the answer.  “The American Tribune, may I help you?”

“Can I speak with Sheila Halpren?

“Ms. Halpren is out of town.  Can another reporter help you?”

“Let me speak with her Editor, please.”

The woman at the news desk hesitated for a moment, and then said, “one moment please.”  In about 30 seconds, a man came on the line.  “Harold Barnes here.”

Bob Madsen said, “Harold, this is Bob Madsen of the FBI.  I am Sheila’s contact at the task force.”

 “Good morning Bob, Sheila has spoken highly of you.”  Harold was eager to talk to Bob.

Bob smiled.  “Well, Sheila has been a great help to me, but I haven’t heard from her all week.  She had been calling me almost daily.”

“She is out on assignment, for the whole week.  Do you want me to have her call you when she checks in?”

“No, I need to know where she is, if you can tell me.”

Harold thought for a moment.  “I guess it’s alright.  She’s in Seattle on something, but didn’t say what.”  Harold knew, because Sheila told him.  He wasn’t, however, going to volunteer anything, having the edge on the story meant too much.  Bob also knew that Harold knew, but decided not to question it.  Young reporters just don’t run off spending the paper’s money on travel without the approval of the subject from an editor.

“Well Harold, I’ll call her next week when she gets back.”

“It was nice talking to you, Bob.  I’ll tell her you called.”

Bob hung up the phone.  Bob thumbed through the pages in his planner to find another phone number.  Special Field Agent, Ron Phelps, the Seattle field office of the FBI.  He would call Ron and go fishing for information on local militia activity.  He needed something to tell the Director.  What was Sheila doing in Seattle?  Her passion was domestic terrorism.  She must have a lead.  He had no idea that as he turned his focus from Omaha, to the Northwest, he was turning towards the hornet’s nest.












  A government of our own is our natural right:  And when a man seriously reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, he will become convinced, that it is infinitely wiser and safer, to form a constitution of our own in a cool and deliberate manner, while we have it in our power, than to trust such an interesting event to time and chance.  If we omit it now, some Massenello may hereafter arise, who laying hold of popular disquietudes, may collect together the desperate and the discontented, and by assuming to themselves the powers of government, may sweep away the liberties of the continent like a deluge.

                                                                                    Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776













  Chapter     22  



Thursday, October 27, 1999, Woodcrest, Washington


            The group sat down for lunch.  Jeff leaned over to Duffy.  “Is there a phone line in the facility?”

“Yes, there is” answered Duffy.

“Is it possible to get more?” asked Jeff.

“Yes, I can run as many as you need from other units.”  Duffy was most helpful.  “Good, I have some extra equipment to set up, and I need a few modem lines.  Jeff had come to Woodcrest equipped with a few laptops and some other computer equipment.  He could be in business in 45 minutes.  Duffy and Liz sat down and ate with the group.  Ralph, in a desire to be close to Sheila, had positioned himself closely in the chair next to her.  They say the way to build bonds with people is to sit down and have a meal with them.  That may not have been necessary with this group.  A common goal, and an underlying foreboding that only they knew about made them comrades of the rarest kind.

            After breakfast, the group went to the clubhouse and set up a small conference area.  Duffy did some phone wiring and gave more capacity to Jeff.  Jeff had the most set up to do.  He wanted to be online with Denver, so he could monitor and communicate with his company and work on the Y2K issue as well.  At about noon, they were ready to do some brainstorming.  This time, Sheila took charge.  After all, she had brought most of these people together.  Her journalistic abilities made her perfect to moderate.  They began with Justin telling his story, and then bringing it up to the time he met Ralph.  Ralph told of his unusual experience with Frederickson, and the murdered girl, and so on.  Frederickson’s story was most crucial to the speculation of the whole group.  Duffy sat in the back of the room quietly and listened.  His wife was in the office, and not much involved with the events taking place in the clubhouse.

Sheila put up a white board, which Duffy had provided, on an easel and they mapped out numbers, locations, and other facts.  Leopard was at the top.  Justin copied the white board so they could erase it when it was filled.  The most interesting person was Jeff.  He sat at a desk and said very little; he seemed to hide behind his laptop screen.  He did, however, hear every word, and every once in awhile, he typed very fast into the laptop.

Ralph paced the floor as they discussed the facts.  “Frederickson stated they had 24,000 militia groups.  Where are these groups?”  Ralph looked around.  Sheila copied the number down.  Ralph went on.  “Supposedly, there are that many Lieutenants.  Each group has a Lieutenant in direct contact with Leopard.”

Jeff suddenly sat up.  “Excuse me, but I may have a confirmation of that fact.”  Jeff spun his chair toward a large white wall.  He put a cord into his laptop and clicked a mouse.  He asked Duffy to turn off some lights, and the next thing everyone knew, the laptop screen was on the wall, about 4 by 6 feet.  Jeff focused it a little bit.

Justin smiled.  “It’s good to have a computer ‘whiz’ in the house.”  Justin was impressed.

Ralph sat down.  “Does this come with popcorn?”  Sheila chuckled at him and winked.  Jeff showed them the Website for Minuteman Travel.

Sheila laughed.  “These people are a riot.  They think they are the ‘minutemen.’  They aren’t very original.”

Jeff showed them how the travel site led to Canada, or Mexico trips, depending on the week.  “It appears they have some locations in Mexico and Canada mapped out.”  Jeff showed them the dates, and the clock.  He also showed them the goat’s head.

Justin jumped up.  “Stop!”  Justin ran up to the wall screen.  “This goats head.  I saw it at Leopard’s place.

Duffy called out from the back of the room.  “That’s an occultic symbol.  It signifies Satan worship.”

Justin shook his head “yes” in agreement.  “I saw that symbol on a book about Allister Crowley.  It was by Leopard’s desk.”

“Who, in the Hell, is Allister Crowley?” asked Ralph.  Ralph was lost.

Duffy walked to the front.  “Allister Crowley was probably the most evil person in the 20th century.  And Ralph, ‘who in the Hell’ is absolutely correct.  This man had a link to Hell, and he was a Satanist and a witch.  He single handedly inspired more people in the dark arts than any other person who has lived.  He had no regard for the sanctity of life, or for Christianity.  If you could name an evil practice, this man probably did it.” 

            Justin scratched his head.  “Go back to those dates.”

Jeff clicked to the clock.  It was straight up midnight, or noon.  There were dates.  Jeff pointed out the three bombings and their dates, and showed the dates on the screen.

Justin walked forward to touch the wall.  “What is this,” he asked?

Jeff looked closely at what Justin was pointing at.  He answered, “Do you see the clock?  That is midnight, of a very important date.  And the numbers you are pointing, they are the date.”

Justin turned and bolted out of the room.  Everyone just sat and looked at each other.  In a minute, he came back, out of breath.  He held, in his hand, a scrap of paper.  He tossed it at Jeff.  “Do you think this is a date?”  Jeff read the initial note Justin had received in August.  He looked very somber.  He held it out, and Sheila took it and walked over to Ralph.  The two looked at it, and looked at each other. 



To Justin Brooks:

Things are not as they seem in America.  The winds of war are blowing.  The way to order is through anarchy.  You will be advised.                       

                                                                                                Friends     1 1 00



            It was undeniable now.  The note indicated that January 1, 2000 would be a day of attack.  Justin and Ralph looked at each other.  Ralph spoke first.  “It appears that Mr. Leopard wants to move out with his plan on New Year’s Day.  He has picked a holiday.  He wants everyone watching football.”

Jeff sighed.  “He isn’t thinking about football, he is thinking about the Y2K Bug.  The note says anarchy.  He is counting on the masses coming into his arena during a period of anarchy.  January 1 holds some crazy things in store for the average American.  He intends to capitalize on the inconveniences that may happen that day.”

Sheila shook her head.  “Wow!  As I keep saying, fiction couldn’t be stranger than this scenario.  This guy has to be stopped.  What else do you have Jeff?”

“Well, we have some dates filled in, but that leaves several in between.  The next date is November 5.”

Justin again jumped up.  “That could have been the Thomas Paine essay release date.”

Ralph laughed.  “I guess we are going to mess up his calendar.”

Justin winced, as he thought about his wife, children, and mother-in-law.  Ralph winked encouragingly at Justin.  Justin put it out of his mind. 

            Sheila motioned to Jeff.  What about that confirmation?”

Jeff went on.  “I found out that as the dummy stories changed, about 23,800 to 24,100 visitors would hit the sites and receive the message.  The message would stay for a week and then change.  I have printed out each message, but I haven’t yet cracked the code.  If we can do that, this guy is totally exposed.  The 24,000 hits confirm the story about the Lieutenants who are linked to Leopard.  There is no way to communicate routinely with that many, and using a chain of command could be risky, because information could be lost or altered.  A person could be caught, and leave a big hole.  An encrypted Website is perfect.  But, each man must have the code first.  It is a perfect arrangement.  I believe he has given the codes and site locations to his most trusted people, who are deep into the plot.”  Jeff pulled his laptop close and began to work with it.  He typed in something, and then looked up.  “That is not all,” he said.  “I found another site, which had a small link from the site we have been looking at.”  The site appeared on the screen on the wall.  The whole group sat staring at some large letters that seemed to be the title of the site. 


            Sheila spoke the words out.

Ralph laughed.  “That makes no sense.”

“Exactly,” said Jeff.  “Here is what it means.  It is backwards lettering.  When you turn it around, it says, ANIMAL FARM, THE READING PRIMER.”  Sheila jumped up and wrote the phrase on the white board.

Duffy walked up to the front again.  “Backwards lettering and wording is an occultic practice.  Allister Crowley taught this practice.  He would have times when he would do all things backwards, including writing and speaking.  It is a basic rebellion against the general order of things, and the practice is widely taught.  It is also a method to invoke demons.”  Duffy was proving valuable as a person knowledgeable in the enemy’s practices.

Jeff spoke next.  “The group uses cryptography, but some is so basic, that I can’t help but think that there is a pride here in the cryptographer that flaunts their knowledge, and makes errors like this.”

Ralph spoke up.  “What do you mean ‘errors’?”

“Well,” Jeff explained, “simply lettering backwards is far too simple, so there must certainly be another motivation to use it.  I think Duffy’s explanation is correct.  This is a belief system, and they want to impress, influence, and brainwash the recipients of these messages, regardless of how careless it seems.  Can anyone tell me about Animal Farm?”

Sheila and Justin began to speak at the same time.  They looked at each other and smiled.  Both were journalists.  Sheila yielded, “Justin, you tell him, your are the political science teacher.”  Sheila sat back and folded her hands.

Justin began.  “This is a novel, almost like a child’s story, but it was written by a man by the name of George Orwell, around the late 1940’s.  It is a political statement on totalitarianism, a form of government with a ruling dictator and a subordinate working class.  It touches on the potential evils of communism, and of fascism.  Keep in mind when this was written, the author had the war and Hitler and his regime fresh in his mind.  In the story, a farmer owned a farm, and he was a cruel man.  One day, the animals on the farm banded together and had a revolution of sorts.  They overthrew the farmer.  The planners and the thinkers were the pigs.  One pig in particular was the one in charge.  As time went on, the pigs became corrupt; they developed the dogs as their bodyguards and as their henchmen.  The ideals for self-government, that all the animals had adopted at the overthrow of the farmer, like equality for all animals, began to be replaced by oppression, by the pigs, and the dogs.

The pigs lived opulently, on the hard sweat of all the other animals, and they considered themselves superior.  They became ruthless, and executions, and cruelty were the order of the day.  The pigs began to rewrite a sort of creed, or constitution, that all the animals had adopted.  The animals, being only animals, couldn’t remember the creeds well, so the truth was changing all the time, by the hand of the shrewd pigs.  Each time it changed, the pigs benefited.  No ‘one’ animal dared question the truth, as it changed.  I know the author had Hitler in mind, represented by the pig in charge, and the Gestapo, or the Secret Police, represented by the dogs.  This also could have been the communist party, and the KGB.  The novel just kind of sets up a principle that is self-fulfilling anytime a group grabs power and oppresses people.  These animals were a view of human nature as it plays out in countries that are not free.  I believe, if I remember correctly, that the rest of the animals finally overthrew the pigs.  Before they did, however, they looked at the head pig, and they actually thought they saw the farmer.  The cycle of power came around full circle.

My guess is that Leopard is viewing this allegory as America.  He views himself and his militias as the lowly animals who are oppressed and the supposed Jewish Conspiracy and the feds as the pigs and the dogs.  I suppose, that the feds are the dogs that carry out oppressive practices for their leaders, who these militia people think are the Jews.”

            “That sounds more like Leopard and his dirt-bag following,” mused Ralph.  He is the head pig, and his Lieutenants are the dogs.”

“Ralph,” said Justin, “that’s actually very perceptive.  What Leopard’s followers can’t see is that his tactics and ways more closely parallel fascism and dictatorship than any warped ideas he has about the American government.”

Sheila had been listening intently to Justin.  She said, “But where does that leave the militias?”

Ralph, now looking serious, answered,  “If they follow Leopard, they are history.”

Justin jumped in again.  “There are 3,000,000 potential militia personnel that Leopard has been working on.  If he can get them to revolt, with the Lieutenants, then they will move against our government.  If they do this, they will be fighting a very surprised military, and a military that will be very reluctant to fire on people from ...  Kentucky, lets say.  Any aggression, by the military, on U.S. citizens, will be used by Leopard to convert thousands--every hour.  If Leopard does or does not succeed, he will at least cause the slaughter of thousands, no, millions of civilians.  I know some of these militia people.  They have been waiting for a fight.  Leopard is going to oblige them.”

“Let's get back to this Website.”  Jeff was taking charge.  “If you notice, after those backwards letters, the rest of the site is numbered.  This is encrypted numbering, and can be converted to words, if we can get the key.

“What key,” asked Sheila?

“It isn’t a real key,” answered Jeff.  “It is a table or a code, with a design to convert letters into numbers, and then back again, thereby giving one message that is saying something else.  That is why the stories on the other site do not make sense, but appear to be simple and childlike.  I believe this ‘Animal Farm’ site is the key, with the other site as the messages.  If we can crack this code, we can nail this guy.”

            Ralph looked at his watch.  “I have to go do some things.  I’ll be back later.”  Sheila followed him out.

Duffy came and sat down by Justin and Jeff.  He looked at them.  “I had no idea what this was all about.  It has been quite an eye opener for me.  I was in to the occult once.  God got me out, but I still know quite a bit about it.  You guys must know that you are not just fighting a man and his followers here.  This man is coming against America with the powers of darkness.  They are not to be underestimated.”

Jeff looked at Duffy with a kind of bewilderment.  This was not something he could relate to.  Jeff was quite scientific.  He needed numbers or digits to be in his element.  Justin, however, was just the opposite.  Justin was a conceptual and philosophical thinker.  In later years, after getting out of school, Justin had thought very little about God, evil, or the spiritual world.  Now, it had come up to be thrown in his face, and he could not deny what Duffy was saying.  He respected the old pastor too much, and the Pastor had said that Duffy was a good man of God.

Justin looked at Duffy.  “Duffy, what do you think is in store for our country?”

Duffy smiled, and showed his gold tooth.  “Men, the Bible says this, and I have to believe it, for America’s sake:  When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.’”  With that, Duffy got up, and went out of the room, going about his work around the camp.  The words he spoke still hung in the air.  Jeff and Justin were silent.  Justin thought about the certainty in Duffy’s voice.

Jeff looked at Justin.  “I guess I’ll take this time to work on my job.”  He began typing at his laptop.  Justin got up and walked out the door.  The air was crispy and cold.  There were light patches of snow on the ground.  The afternoon had been mentally draining.  The year was getting late, and Justin felt very alone.











  Chapter    23  


Thursday, October 27,1999, Woodcrest, Washington


            Ralph pulled into Woodcrest at 8:20 P.M.  He went in to see Sheila for a little while and then came to Justin’s cabin.  “Justin, get something warm on, and let’s go.  The two men walked past the clubhouse and saw Jeff inside on his computer.  Ralph chuckled.  “I guess that guy is in his element.

They were about get in the car, when Duffy came dashing out of the office.  “You guys, I just wanted you to know I have been praying for you.  Go with God.”

Ralph said nothing.  Justin smiled at Duffy.  “Thanks, Duffy, I know we need your prayers.”  The two men got in the car and drove off.

Ralph seemed upset.  “Guys like that Duffy irritate me.   He has this God thing, but I say, forget God, you have to help yourself.  He lives in a fantasy world, and I get a little suspicious about people like him.”

Justin chuckled.  “Forever the skeptical cop, aren’t you Ralph?”  Ralph smiled.  Justin looked over at Ralph.  “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” said Ralph.

“What are you doing this for?  You are going to risk your life for my family.”

“Justin, it’s my job.  As far as I am concerned, I am on a case of homicide for the Seattle Police Department.”

“Oh.  I see.”  Justin really did see.  But, he didn’t see it the way Ralph said it.  Ralph had a good front, but Justin could tell he really cared.  Ralph had been so exposed to the filth of society in all these years as a police officer that Justin knew he had trouble showing a tender side, or opening up.  It was possible Sheila saw a side of him no one else would be permitted to see.  Ralph had lost his family, to divorce, but he was probably to blame.  He hadn’t had too many good breaks.  He loved his work.  This was his life.  Yet, Justin could see that Ralph really liked him, and Sheila, and Jeff.  He could tell that Ralph enjoyed the camaraderie.  Justin suspected he had very few friends.  Justin could see why Ralph might have trouble accepting the possibility of a good God, who helped mankind. 

            As the two men drove towards the city, Ralph pulled off at a filling station.  There was a car parked there, with a man in it.  Ralph hopped out and told Justin, “Come on.”  They approached the car and a man stepped out.  He was about Ralph’s age, and he wore blue jeans and had a baseball hat on his head.  He had thick glasses, and his face had sharp features.  He was graying.  Ralph said, “Justin, this is Bud.  He is the friend that I told you about.”  Justin shook his hand.

Bud leaned forward.  “Hi Justin.  Nice to meet you.”

Ralph got down to business.  Do you have the hardware?”

“I sure do.” said Bud.

Ralph smiled.  “Do you remember how to use it?”

Bud looked hurt, but knew his friend was kidding.  “In my sleep, Ralph, in my sleep.”  Justin and Ralph got back in their car, Bud got in his car, and they took off, with Bud following Ralph. 



Thursday Evening, October 27,1999, Wenatchee, Washington


            The man searched Justin’s whole house and got Leopard on the phone.  “There is no sign of him.  His mail is backed up for 2 days.  I can’t find the essay either.

Leopard sat at his desk, on the other end of the line.  “Get over to the lake.  Now!”  Leopard felt he had been betrayed.  When this started, he didn’t know if he could trust Justin, but he had hopes that Justin would join him.  Now he also had to go with “Plan B.”  He would release Justin’s old essay, but he had to reword some of it.  Leopard sneered out loud.  “That family is dead.  They will be a perfect pre-rebellion sacrifice.”  Whatever Ralph and Justin were going to do, they now had just hours.  Leopard’s man was on his way to carry out Leopard’s threat against Justin’s family.



Thursday Evening, October 27, 1999, Seattle, Washington


            Ralph and Justin pulled into the neighborhood at 11:15 P.M.  Bud was right behind them.  Ralph reached under his coat and pulled out his gun.  He checked the chamber of his 9-millimeter handgun, and then he got out and went to the trunk.  He brought back a shotgun, and another handgun.  He handed the handgun to Justin.  “Here.  This is a .357 magnum.  Watch out, it has a good kick to it.”  Ralph stuffed something in his coat pocket.  Bud appeared, also armed with a shotgun.  The three started down the street with Ralph leading.  Justin felt strange with a gun is his hand.  He was a man of peace.  He had never really hurt anybody, but he knew he would do whatever he had to.

The three men stopped at a house.  Ralph had the two men wait in front of the garage, and then he disappeared around the house.  In 2 minutes, he was back.  He leaned over to whisper to the two men.  “Everyone is in bed.  The back door is locked.  We are going to have to go through the front door.  Justin, you wait outside until I tell you to come in.  Come on Bud.”

Ralph and Bud approached the front door.  They both stood directly in front of it.  Suddenly, they both raised their legs to kick the door.  Bud hit it first, and Justin could hear a loud splitting sound, then Ralph hit it and finished it off, the door gave way and flew opened.  Both men bolted in and charged for the back of the house.  Ralph yelled, “Police, nobody move.  Police, get your hands up.”  Justin heard confusion.  A woman screamed, and a child cried, and a man began to swear.  “What the....”  Justin heard Ralph again.  “Shut up, turn over in the bed.”  There was a moment of silence.  Justin didn’t even know where they were or whose house this was.  After a minute, Ralph came to the door and signaled Justin to come in.  Justin walked down the hall.  He went past a room where a child was crying, and looked in.  A woman was in the room consoling the child.  She had a look of terror on her face.  He would never forget that look as long as he lived.  As Justin entered the master bedroom, Bud stood over a man who was frantically dressing.  Bud had a shotgun at his head.

“Hurry up” yelled Bud.

The man was Barry Brown, a highly trained killer.  Brown was tensing up and Ralph could sense that he was about to strike.  As quick as a cat, Ralph swung his elbow around and hit Brown in the nose.  Brown went flying into the closet door with such force, that it broke into splinters.  Brown cried with pain.  Ralph’s aggressive attitude with criminals left very little to chance.  Blood was now streaming from Brown’s nose. 

Justin had to remind himself, this wasn’t a home invasion.  Ralph was a police detective; he had a right to do this.  What Justin saw next, he wasn’t prepared for.  Ralph and Bud pushed the man onto the ground and pushed the shotgun against his head.  Then they handcuffed him.

Ralph was angry.  “You’re gonna tell us where that family is being kept, or your wife is going to have to clean up your brains off the wall.

The man began to shake.  “I, I, can’t, they’ll kill me.”

“If you don’t, we will kill you.  You have ten seconds.  Ralph began to count.  “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten!  OK, do him.  Wait, let me get outta the way, this will be messy.”

“No.  I'll tell.  Don’t kill me.  They’re being held at Downie Lake, on Highway 193, in a cabin overlooking the lake.”

“Your gonna take us there, now!”  Ralph sounded brutal.  Ralph turned and walked out of the room.  Justin followed.  Ralph went into another room and switched on a light.  There was a desk and a computer on it.  Ralph saw a pile of papers on the desk and began to rummage through them.  He grabbed some things and stuffed them into his coat pocket.  Justin saw a stack of books.  At the top of the stack, was a copy of Animal Farm.  He picked it up and put the small paperback in his pocket.  Ralph switched off the light and they went back to the bedroom, and got the handcuffed man, Barry Brown.  Just a week earlier, he had tried to recruit Ralph into the militia.

“Hey, I know you.”  He looked at Ralph’s face for the first time.  “Yeh, but I’m not a contractor, I’m a cop.

“Well, I want a lawyer then.”

Ralph walked over and slapped Brown.  “Tonight, I’m not a cop.  I’m a soldier, and this is war.  You’re a revolutionary, and we still might kill you.”  Ralph grabbed Brown by the arm, pulled him to his feet, and whisked him out of the room.  They took their prisoner and put him in the front seat of Ralph’s car.  Justin climbed in the back.

Ralph climbed in and handed Justin the shotgun.  He instructed Justin, “Aim this at his head, and if I tell you to shoot him, do it.  OK, Brown.  My partner’s fingers shake and get sweaty when he holds a shotgun.  I bet he’s shaking bad back there.  The last guy ended up on the windshield.”

Bud got in his car and followed.  The two cars made their way to the hills and then to Highway 193.  Ralph looked over at Brown.  “I want you to tell me when I am a mile or so out from the cabin.”  They went a few more miles, and Brown said, “This is it.”  The drive didn’t take long.   The two cars pulled onto the side of the road.  Ralph drove his car back behind some trees.  He got out and pulled Brown out of the car.  Bud was getting something out of his trunk, and Ralph went to open his.  Ralph took the shotgun from Justin, and then got several extra clips for his 9 mm handgun and put them in his coat pockets.  Justin got the .357 handgun from the car.  Bud appeared with a huge rifle, which had a scope, and a silencer.  There was also an infrared device on the gun for night viewing.




Friday, 1:00 A.M., October 28, 1999, Downie Lake, Washington


            The men walked through the trees, with Brown leading.  Ralph had a small flashlight.  After a few minutes, they saw moonlight on the lake.  They kept going, but Ralph switched off the flashlight.  Within a minute or two, the men were in site of the cabin.  Ralph held Brown close to him and asked, “Is that it?”  Brown said nothing.  Ralph threatened, “If you want to see your wife and child again, tell me, and you had better be right.”

            The cabin was a large one.  It had a few small lights on inside.  The back of it was on the lakeside; the front of it had a road leading up to it.  There were trees all around it.  The four men were quite out of view about 150 yards out in the trees.  Bud found a small tree and began to climb it.  He positioned himself about 15 feet in the air, and looked into his scope.  He turned his hat around backwards.  “There are two guards in front at each corner,” he whispered down.

Ralph looked at Justin.  “This is it.  Now we get your family.”

Justin’s chest tightened up.  He would do anything to get his family back, but right now, he wished it were all over.

Ralph grabbed Brown again.  “We have the right place, don’t we?”

Defeated, Brown nodded yes.  Ralph pulled some duct tape out of his coat pocket and began to tape Brown’s mouth.  He wound it around the back of Brown’s head and around the front of his mouth.  He did it four or five times.  Brown would say nothing for a while.

Ralph looked up at Bud.  “You watch this guy from your position.  Justin and I are going closer.  In exactly 3 minutes, drop the guards.  Do they have weapons?”

Bud looked again in his scope.  “Yes, they have rifles.”

Ralph looked at Brown.  “If you want to stay alive, stay put.”  Ralph came over to Justin.  “You go over by the road entrance, and stay out about 30 yards.  If I fail, then it is going to be up to you.”  Ralph reached in another pocket and produced a box of bullets for Justin.  “Your gun is loaded with 6 shots, but here are reloads.”

Then Ralph took off for the side of the structure.  He and Bud had done things before, and they seemed to act like a unified team, on instinct.  Ralph had 2 minutes to get in position.  Justin went over to the front, and moved carefully thought the trees.  The few minutes seemed like an eternity.  Just as it seemed there were about 30 seconds to go, Justin heard a crashing through the trees behind him.  It sounded like a Rhino.  As he started to turn around, he was hit from behind very hard, and he was sent forward onto the ground on his face.  He felt a sharp pain in his back from the impact.  As he looked up, he saw Brown, lunging towards the cabin, his hands still cuffed. He was trying to escape and warn the others.  Just as quickly, as Justin had looked up, he saw Brown go down with a mighty thud.  Brown actually flew forward 5 or 6 feet, and when he landed, he lay motionless.  He made quite a noise when he hit, and the guards were coming forward into the woods.  As Justin stood motionless, looking from behind a tree, he saw each guard hit the ground.  Bud!  The gunfire was silent.  All three men were dead.  Justin wondered how Bud could shoot like that with such thick glasses.  Justin thought for a split second about the new widow and fatherless child back at Brown’s house.  Then he put his focus on the cabin.  Justin could see Ralph approaching it.  It was quite possible, that inside, they were quite unaware anything had happened.  Ralph had the shotgun in his right hand, and the handgun in his left.  He slowly walked onto the porch.  He touched the knob, and quietly opened the door.  He slipped inside, and out of sight from Justin. 

            Ralph walked slowly into an entryway, and then into a living room.  As he crossed the living room, he saw the kitchen.  The door was ajar, and there were two men sitting at a table playing cards.  Ralph had very little time.  If there were any other one of Leopard’s men in the house, he’d have to worry about them later.  He had to take out these two now.  Ralph raised the shotgun, and kicked the door open wide.  Ralph shouted, “Police!  Don’t move!”  Both men jumped up and one dove for a rifle standing against a wall.  Ralph discharged the shotgun, and blew a large hole through the man going for the gun.  As that blast hit, the other man raised a handgun.  Ralph pointed his 9 mm, and by reflex, fired three rounds at the man.  The second man flew against the wall, and slumped to the floor.  It was a grisly scene.  Ralph backed away from the kitchen, and quickly began to go through the cabin.  He rounded each corner with care, letting his gun turn the corner first.  He went into the hall, and began to open bedrooms.  In the third room, there was Angie, the 2 children, and her mom.  They were huddled together.  One of the children was crying.  Ralph walked up to Angie, and in a low voice, said, “I’m a police officer.  How many men were guarding you?”

“Three or four,” Angie whispered.”

“Are you sure?”  Ralph asked again.

“Yes, that’s right,” said Angie’s Mother.   

            Justin couldn’t stand it any longer.  He headed for the porch of the cabin.  He had to step over a body to get there.  He was at the door, and it suddenly flew open.  Out came Ralph, Angie, her mom, and the kids.  Ralph was holding his little girl.  Justin and Angie dashed to one another.  Ralph had a big grin on his face.  “There’s your daddy, right there.”  Justin reached out and took his daughter from Ralph.  His son grabbed his legs, his wife hugged him, and he hugged his little girl.  He reached out and pulled his mother-in-law close.  This was too good to be true.  Justin and Angie both cried like babies.

Ralph went out to get Bud.  Five men were dead.  The Leopard Patriots had suffered huge casualties.  Both of the men came running up to the family.  Ralph sounded urgent.  “I’m sorry, but let’s take the reunion elsewhere.  We’ve got to go before more show up here.”

Bud leaned close to Ralph.  “I’ll tidy up here, you get them all out.”  With that, Ralph turned on his flashlight, and led the family off through the trees.  As Justin passed by Bud, he reached out and patted his shoulder, and thanked him.

            The group got to the car and started for Woodcrest.  Justin and Angie were in the front seat, and his mother-in-law and kids in the back.  Ralph looked at Justin and Angie.  “You know, you aren’t safe until this Leopard is caught.  I am going to take you back to the camp.  You need to hide out for awhile.”

Justin put his arm around Angie.  “I didn’t know if I’d see you again.”

Angie looked lovingly at her husband.  “Thank you for coming after us.”

Justin smiled.  “This man here is whom you should thank.  He is an ‘ace’ detective.

Angie turned to Ralph.  “Thank you for what you did.”

Ralph had trouble with compliments or praise.  “M’am, I was doing my job.”

Justin just laughed.  That is Ralph, he thought.  Angie laid her head on Justin’s shoulder.  The car pulled into Camp Woodcrest in the early morning hours.  Duffy came out of his cabin behind the office and greeted them.  Then he ran inside to get a key for another cabin for Angie’s mother.  They put the children in there also.  Justin and Angie settled into their cabin for some sleep.  Ralph found a place at Sheila’s cabin, and she was glad to see him safe.  As Justin lay there falling asleep, he thought of the night, and of Bud, and Ralph, and the men who lay dead up at the lake.  He thought of his family, and he remembered his prayer, now many days earlier.  As he lay there, he said a silent ‘thank you,’ and fell sound asleep. 


Friday, October 28, 1999, Gifford, Montana


            Frank Foreman walked into Leopard’s office that morning and told him that he had a phone call.  Leopard picked up the phone and listened to the voice on the other end.  Leopard screamed in anger and threw the phone.  The barrage of obscenities and filth that followed would have made most rock stars blush.  “I will kill Justin, his family, his wife’s family, his friends, and his students!  I will offer every one of them to Satan!  They are through!”  He then turned to Foremen and said, “I want every man looking for them today.  They are in Washington somewhere, near lake Downie, and Seattle, and I want them.  We will move out on our plans for November 1 as planned.  I want the false leads to begin on Monday the 31st.  We will confuse the FBI.  We will kill Justin and his friends, and we will launch a huge Thomas Paine campaign.  Let those brave men who died last night be avenged, with my victory.”  Then out loud and with disdain, he said, “Justin, I did not know you had it in you.”

Frank went and picked up the phone.  Leopard asked, “Frank, did Smitty get back from New York?”

“Yes he did,” he answered, “earlier this week.”

“Good.” said Leopard.  “One more problem has been handled.”



Friday, October 28,1999, Woodcrest, Washington


Sheila got up early and made her way to the clubhouse.  Duffy was there alone and just building a fire.  “Good morning Sheila.”  Duffy had his usual smile.

Sheila rubbed her eyes and smiled back.  She was curious about this man, who seemed so unique, and peaceful, and happy.  Here was her chance to speak with him.  “So, are you a pastor?”  “No, I am a man of God.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”  Sheila was bewildered.

“It isn’t the same.  I don’t have a church, or a flock, I just know God, and live my life by His Word.”

Sheila nodded her head as if she understood.  “When I was young, and I attended church, anyone who acted like you and carried themselves like you was a pastor, wore robes, and preached sermons.  I was a little intimidated by them, but I was just a young girl.”

“Why did you stop?”

Sheila looked sharply at Duffy.  “Stop what?”  “Stop going to church?”  Sheila looked away, and scratched her head.  “I guess I left the ways of religion way back in high school.  I guess I feel if there is a God, I would not be the most pleasing person to Him.”

Duffy went on answering her original question.  “A man or a woman of God is any person who becomes born again, by the Spirit of God.  It has to do with accepting the Person of Jesus Christ.  Jesus comes to bring a cleansing of sin, and to live with us.  We actually have God’s Spirit imparted to us.  We become His, and we become like Him.  After that, our lives revolve around Him, and we live to do His will.”

Sheila was now staring at Duffy.  “You are not a pastor, but you still give sermons.”  Sheila was smiling.  Duffy let out a huge laugh.  Sheila was a tough professional woman.  She had had some failed relationships with men, but had not let down a wall of toughness for over 4 years.  She had not seen any men in those years, but was absorbed in her career.  Ralph was the first in years.  Sheila felt a little embarrassed now because she had just spent the night with Ralph, in this man’s domain.  There was something about Duffy that made Sheila feel she needed to hide this fact.  This was strange.  Normally, it would not bother her.  Who was this person here who she felt could see deep into her soul?

“So, Sheila.  Did you sleep well last night?”

Sheila was mortified.  He did know, and he didn’t approve.  Sheila looked away.  She couldn’t stare him in the eye.  “I guess I did, why do you ask?”

“I just meant with all the activity about Justin’s family and all.”

“Oh.  I guess I slept well.  I am sorry, Duffy; but I thought you were referring to Ralph and I being together.  When I was a girl, I learned that sleeping with men while not married was sinful, and I know how you must feel about it.”

Duffy now stared directly at Sheila.  Sheila returned the gaze, and they made eye contact.  “Sheila, God loves you, and so do I.  I know you are sleeping with Ralph, but it is not any of my business.  The fact that you feel God’s love from me is my business.  Jesus did not come for the righteous, but for the sinful.  I may not be sleeping with someone I am not married to, but I sin everyday.  In God’s eyes, sin is sin, and mine isn’t better than yours.  I fall upon the mercy of God everyday, and He is there to make me feel clean.  It is mine for the asking.  He is in the forgiving business, and you do not have to wait until you don’t sleep with men anymore to fall upon His grace and mercy either.  The acknowledgment of one’s sin goes much further with God than the denial of sins, and he who thinks he is worthy to stand before God before repenting is totally deceived.  The difference between me and you, until today, is that I take a free and paid for gift of forgiveness, each day, and you do not.”

Sheila smiled.  “Until today.  Do you think I will start doing so today, simply because you said it?”  Duffy smiled.  “Yes I do.  How easily Sheila you take on condemnation, for your sin, when no one says a word.  It is because you know inside what is right and what is wrong.  I figure an intelligent person like yourself, when it is pointed out to you, can as easily take on the grace and mercy of God, and be freer inside.  The one thing, condemnation, is evil, and the other, the forgiveness, and the grace, is both pure and precious.  It takes no more effort to have, just a change of heart.  Deep within, you can feel I am right.”

Sheila felt a tear forming in her eye.  No one had ever spoken to her like this.  “I must go.”  With that, she turned and walked quickly out of the clubhouse.  Duffy watched her go.  Sheila walked outside and set out on a small path into the woods.  She just kept walking.  Tears dropped on the dirt as she went.  


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  


            Justin got up before any other person in his family.  He had his family back.  It was a new day, but many things had to happen before he could get his normal life back.  He quickly showered, and dressed, put on a warm coat, and left his cabin.  It was 7:00 A.M.  Justin went over to the clubhouse.

Duffy was there poking a fire, and turned around and gave Justin a big smile.  “So, your family is safe.  How does that feel?”

“Well,” said Justin, “it feels like it can’t be true, I was so long without them and it looked so hopeless.”

Duffy nodded.  “Justin, when it feels too good to be true, that is when God has blessed, and our prayers have been answered.”

The two men sat down by the fire.  “Duffy,” said Justin, “I am going to need to stay for awhile until this thing blows over.”

“I know it, and you are welcome to stay as long as you need to.”

Justin went on.  “I am also aware that God helped me, just as he sent you and Liz to be here for us.  I am a grateful man.”  Duffy was pleased to hear Justin giving God acknowledgment.  “Duffy, I want to do something to stop Leopard and his movement.  I feel a little responsible because he used a work, which I had written, on his revolution.  I also almost committed high treason to save my family.  Now that I am free from the ax Leopard held over my head, maybe we can do something here for the country.

Duffy had a twinkle in his eye.  “Justin, I am just a caretaker, and a simple man.  I do, however, understand a few principles.  It looks to me like you are doing something.  You have some real experts here, at your disposal, and you seem to be their leader, and their focal point.  Look at the computer kid.  There may not be another like him in the nation.  Look at the detective whom God used most to rescue your family.  He is an extraordinary man.  And, look at Sheila, a reporter with the largest national newspaper in the nation.  Finally, Justin, there is you.  A man of passion and understanding of governments, and, of Leopard himself.”

Justin smiled at the compliment.  “Duffy, do not leave yourself out of the loop.  You round out the team with spiritual support, and with great wisdom.”

“Justin, that is God’s doing.  Here is something I want to say to you.  I find often that God wants to use what is in our hands, the resources we have among us to bring a great deliverance.  That was obvious with the shepherd’s rod of Moses, which became a rod of great power.  Think for a moment of the miracle of the loaves and fishes performed by Jesus.  He first went looking for a small sack lunch, and with this most humble lunch, he multiplied it until he fed 5000 people, with food to spare.  Therefore, what you have inside you, Justin, can help you and the country to defeat Leopard.  I have found it to be a principle of God’s Kingdom, and it is written in scripture, that what the enemy has used for evil is often the very thing God will now use for good.”  

Justin's mind raced.  What did he have that he could use to defeat Leopard?  

”Duffy, can terrorism be beaten?”  Justin seemed excited as he asked this question.  “Justin, if America is to have any power over evil, she must humble herself and ask God for the answers.  This is not a struggle of might as much as it is of wisdom.  I have long thought that terrorists much resemble rodents or cockroaches, that scatter when light is turned on them.  God is that light.   Another theory I have is that the nation is much like a human body, and if we could learn how to have a defense system much the way the body does, we would be effective against terrorism.  Since God designed the body, it would take humility to look at His designs as possible solutions.”    Justin sat dumbfounded.   “Terrorists are like germs, or radical cells, and anti-terrorism is like white blood cells, or defense cells.  Do you suppose anyone has thought of that?”  Duffy laughed.   “I don’t know Justin.   I am sure it has been suggested, but it may be nothing.”  Justin took out a small notepad and made a few notes. 

Justin sat and stared at Duffy.  “Duffy, you are a genius.”

“No Justin, I am not.  I am just a vessel of His most Great Wisdom.  It is the Holy Spirit who speaks these things.

“Then God is a genius, because I know what to do.”  Justin jumped up and began to head over to Jeff’s worktable.

Just at that moment, Jeff came into the room.  “Good morning men.  Wow, a fire.  That feels great.”

Justin couldn’t contain himself.  “Jeff, can I use one of your laptops?”

“Sure, I brought an extra.  What’s up?”

“I have some writing to do, and there is no time to lose.  Oh, by the way Jeff, my family has been rescued, and all are fine.”

Jeff let out a big laugh.  “That’s great.  So let’s pull out the stops and nail this guy, Leopard.”

Justin asked, “Jeff, is there Microsoft Word in this laptop?”

“There sure is,” said Jeff.

“Good!”  Justin sat down at the end of Jeff’s table, and began to set up the computer for his work.  About that time, in came Liz with some hot coffee; Duffy, Justin, and Jeff were elated.  A few minutes later, in walked Ralph and Sheila.  The group was now all present.

Ralph walked over to Jeff’s table and unloaded his pockets.  “Jeff, I found some paperwork in one of Leopard’s Lieutenant’s home last night.  You might pull some vital information from it.  I’ll go over it with you in awhile.”

Justin got up, shook Ralph’s hand, and thanked him again for the night before.  Duffy pushed some more chairs up close to the fire for Ralph and Sheila, who were busy pouring themselves some coffee.   Justin jumped up quickly.  “Jeff, I almost forgot, I got you something.”  He reached in his pocket, produced a copy of Animal Farm, and tossed it in front of Jeff.

Jeff looked at it.  “Where did you get this?”

“I found it last night by the Lieutenant’s computer” said Justin.  Jeff thumbed through it, and set it aside.  Justin went back to his computer.

Liz got up from her chair and went to the door.  She said, “I am going to have a nice brunch ready at 10:30.”  Turning towards Justin, she said, “ Justin, I am eager to meet that family of yours.” With that, she was off to the kitchen. 

            Justin opened a new page on his writing program.  He typed in the words, “Unity in America!”  He began to type thoughts into the laptop, and create an outline for an essay.  After an hour or so, Justin closed the laptop, went and poured Angie a cup of coffee, and went to his cabin.  He quietly went inside.  Before he woke her, he stood by her, just staring down at her.  He realized, again, how close he had come to losing her.  Gratefulness towards God filled him to overflowing.  He couldn’t imagine living without his precious wife.  He would make sure she always knew how important she was to him, how much a part of him she was.  Justin woke Angie with a kiss and the smell of warm coffee.  They sat and talked for a while.  She had much she needed to share and he would be there for her.  After a time, Angie showered, dressed, and got ready for the day.  The two of them walked to the cabin that housed Angie’s mom and their children.  They played with the children for a while, and then got them ready for breakfast. 

            At 10:30 A.M., the whole group was sitting down at a long table in a dining hall, enjoying the wonderful brunch Liz had prepared for them.  It was as if there had been no kidnapping, or violence the night before; this group was peaceful, and enjoying their meal.  At one point, when Justin’s 5 year old daughter, Tamara, asked if they would play at the lake anymore, everyone laughed.  Oh to see these recent days through the eyes of a child, with no cares, or responsibility except to locate the next curious adventure.  More than one of them thought that, as they then thought about an imminent violent rebellion in America’s near future.  After lunch, Justin walked his wife, children, and mother-in-law back to the cabins.

Justin sat Angie down on the bed, and explained something very important to her.  “I have something very important to do here, and I don’t know how long it will take.  We have to try to stop this man who kidnapped you, and we have some leads to follow.  I am also writing something for the people of our country, and I don’t know how long it will take me.  This means that after all this time, it may appear like I do not want to spend time with you, or the kids.  But, I need you to understand that the whole nation is at risk, and I may be able to do something to help.  I also need you to care for the children and fill in for me until this thing is done.  Will you help me?”

“You tell me what you want,” Angie responded, “and I’m here.”

Justin hugged and kissed his wife.  “Thank you.  I am going up to the clubhouse to work on this.  Those people up there can’t stay forever, so I have to work with them while I can.”  Justin left and went to the clubhouse.  As he entered, Ralph, Sheila, and Jeff were pouring over the papers that Ralph had taken the night before.

Ralph spoke.  “Jeff, here is a kind of pay stub from a corporation, payable to ‘Brown,’ the dead man.”

Jeff read the stub.  “Onyx Inc.  This company is based in Minneapolis.”  Jeff ran a search for this firm on the Web.  The search turned up 352 locations or sites found containing the name “Onyx Inc.”  Jeff began to look through the listings, and narrowed the search a little bit.  “The chairman of the board is Max Porter.  Onyx is a conglomerate corporation holding several other corporations.”  Jeff found a trade journal article with a list of corporations, owned by Onyx.

“Jeff,” said Ralph, “it stands to reason that Onyx, who pays Brown a payroll check, is quite involved in Leopard’s affairs, because Brown was not a weekend warrior, but a fully immersed member of Leopard’s organization.  So, whoever pays Brown is controlled by Leopard.”  Jeff nodded his head in agreement.  Ralph went on, “If we look over each corporation, we may see some patterns or needed items produced for Leopard’s use.”

Sheila leaned forward.  “Do you see any newspapers on the list?”

Jeff scanned the list for Sheila.  “I can’t tell,” he said.  “There are some communications firms listed.  I will print out what there is on each firm.  Then we can all read through the material to look for possible connections.”



















  Chapter   24   


July 4, 2004


            The old man paused for a few moments, and then went on.  “Michael Ingstrom entered our country, but he never became a citizen.  He developed followers who did his commerce, purchased his goods, and even owned his real estate.  If a person never registered with social security, they never filed income tax, or they never drew a paycheck from anyone, then they could virtually stay buried in a sea of obscurity.  They could hide from the government as long as they wanted, but, they would have to be shrewd, and they would have to have a reason.  Therefore, Leopard was totally untraceable, and only his wake left a most subtle impression on the country.  This was, however, about to change.  Leopard’s wake consisted of these corporations and the plans they were carrying out.  When Leopard found out about the attack on his men and the rescue at Downie Lake, he was so furious, he almost shot one of his men.  He needed blood.  It seems he almost forgot his plans and wanted destruction of everyone and everything.  He was not used to being betrayed or double-crossed.  Someone had to pay, and Leopard swore a vow to make Justin pay.  He knew Justin was involved, but he also knew he must have had help.  Leopard was now about to release a propaganda essay to the nation that would begin to rally people against the feds. 

            Our friends at Woodcrest were getting very close to Leopard’s wake.  Time was running out.  Leopard had not been inactive; his embedded chips were in place, his militia troops were in place, and his international terrorists in Canada and Mexico, as well as his satellites, were in place.  His scientists were standing by also.  Leopard also had public opinion readings on the issues he would push, and Max Porter had informed him that the simulation error scores were very low on the percentile register; he was actually ahead of the date projections.  The backlashes he had been counting on in public opinions against the federal government, because of his strategic but deceptive ploys and the sacrifices of his own people were taking effect.  His militia people believed the government was after their comrades, and they were openly discussing bloodshed.  Leopard was stirring up some propaganda about Thomas Paine, so that when he released an essay of deception, they would all fall for it, as well as their families and friends. 


            The FBI has been mentioned very little in my story so far, but that is because Leopard was still underground until November 1, 1999.  The small group of unlikely comrades had not made their findings public yet, for obvious reasons.  The FBI, however, had not been idle; they had some suspicions about a few of the corporations, but no hard evidence.  The plan was so well covered, that Leopard saw no reason he couldn’t keep deceiving the feds all the way to the end.  Although Leopard had some technology, he did not have the technology, the manpower, the structure, or the strength in his organization to overcome the FBI in an all out conflict, and he knew it, so he had to used guerilla tactics, terrorist tactics, and undercover tactics.  His biggest ally was deception and surprise.  Beginning on November 1, 1999, Leopard had people routinely calling the FBI  and giving phony terrorist and militia leads, at the rate of 100 per day, in an effort to create a smoke screen for him and his associates, and keep the FBI off his tracks in the last 60 days of preparation.  These leads would be spread around the field offices so that it would seem they were random and not from one specific source.

In the massive manhunt for Eric Rudolph, which was highly publicized, the FBI kept coming up empty handed.  Well, at this point, they didn’t know of Leopard, and they were having trouble finding a man who used natural ground cover and nature as his cover, whose identity they did know.  Leopard was different since he used technology and brilliant deception as his cover.  Many a school child has heard the stories of the minutemen in the American Revolution and how they used the cover of their native forests and countryside when fighting the British who marched in formation, down well-traveled roads.  The British were targets, but the guerilla type fighting of the colonists was the key to big successes for the colonists.  The British army was superior in size and strength, but its sheer order and discipline was hindering it.  Leopard knew this fact and planned to capitalize on it when his militias engaged the formal American military or the FBI.  In the meantime, he was using it nicely in theory, but his cover was technology, the general population, corporate America, and very good friends, or followers, I should say. 

            Don’t get me wrong here, the FBI and the ATF were not inept, or stupid.  Rather, America in being such a large country to guard, these agencies could be likened to a lion that is resting, the first wasp comes, and the tail swings.  The next wasp comes, and the lion may lift a paw.  Next, the lion may lift its head and shake it, but soon, a whole swarm of wasps is going to cause the lion to get up and leave the location and reposition himself for his afternoon nap, and it becomes fully aware of a threat.  That is how this planned rebellion was.  Any activity so far was only the single irritation of a few wasps, and not a full revelation of the true threat.  This gave Leopard a major advantage over the agencies who needed to know the facts, but didn’t.”

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